FUTURE Teacher: José Enrique Torres del C.
FUTURE / GOING TO. In spanish you know it like (ir a) En forma afirmativa. En forma afirmativa. am am + is + going to + verb + complement + is + going to + verb + complement are are I am going to study english with my book. I am going to study english with my book. You are going to listen to music in your phone. You are going to listen to music in your phone. She is going to drink a coke. She is going to drink a coke.
In negative form: am not am not + isn’t + going to + verb + complement + isn’t + going to + verb + complement aren’t aren’t I am not going to ride a motorbike. I am not going to ride a motorbike. You aren’t reading a book. You aren’t reading a book. He isn’t going to work in an office. He isn’t going to work in an office.
In interrogative form: Am Is + + going to +verb + complement + ? Is + + going to +verb + complement + ? Are Are Am I going to go with you to the party? Am I going to go with you to the party? Are you going to cook hamburgers ? Are you going to cook hamburgers ? Is your Mom going to come tommorrow to the joint? Is your Mom going to come tommorrow to the joint?
Exercise: Complete with am – is – are. Complete with am – is – are. 1.-I ___ going to write in my notebook. 1.-I ___ going to write in my notebook. 2.-You ___ going to eat hot cakes. 2.-You ___ going to eat hot cakes. 3.-He ___ going to send some papers. 3.-He ___ going to send some papers. 4.-____ you going to live in Morelia? 4.-____ you going to live in Morelia? 5.-___ Richard going to visit us tomorrow? 5.-___ Richard going to visit us tomorrow?