Angel By Theresa Rodriguez
Right when I was born the lord sent me an angel. An angel to protect me, An angel to watch over and love me.
I always sought advise from her all throughout the years. I depended on her every thought. And it was always her who wiped away my tears. She taught me many things - "To always speak from the heart". She always showed she loved and cared, It her to always understand. She never intentionally hurt me, and for that She has all my love. She's the angel - The angel sent from high above.
She knows most of my secrets, right down to my first kiss. She knows my length of patience and still she always forgives. All she has to do is look at me, and deep down within my soul She could see If I was hurt, scared, or happy. She knows all the sides to me.
She was the one who carried me through those nine painful months. The one who made me the lady I am And the woman I'll become. God must have had a really good day, when he sent you here for me. Of all the angels in heaven, You were meant for me.
GRAMMAR Coordination E.g. She never intentionally hurt me, and for that She has all my love. (stanza 2, line 10 – 12) Agreement E.g. (a) I always (stanza 2, line 1) (b) She always (stanza 2, line 8) (c) She Knows (stanza 3, line 1)
Tense E.g. Past- right when I was born (stanza 1, line 1) - I always sought advise from her (stanza 2, line 1) - I depended on her every thought (stanza 2, line 3) Present - She knows most of my secret (stanza 3, line 1) - She knows all the sides to me (stanza 3, line 9)
Comma - A poem cannot be recited without slight pause. - It is used to join two ideas in one sentence. E.g. (a) She always showed she loved and cared, It her to always understand. (stanza 2, line 8 and 9)
PUNCTUATION Period E.g. (a) The lord sent me an angel. (stanza 1, line 2) (b) An angel to watch over and love me. (stanza 1, line 4)
Apostrophe - possession E.g. (a) She’s the angel (stanza 2, line 13) Quotation E.g. (a) “To always speak from the heart” (stanza 2, line 7)
Dash E.g. (a) She’s the angel – the angel sent from high above. (stanza 2, line 13 and 14)
MECHANICS Capitals - First letter of every line is usually capitalized but the are exception for modern poetry. - To emphasize to attract special attention, sometimes the beginning of the word or entire word. E.g. (a) poem (b) An angel (stanza 1)
SPELLING Final silent ‘e’ E.g. (a) love (stanza 2)
OTHER FUNDAMENTALS Emphasis - capitalized of the word ‘An angel’ (stanza 1) Wordiness E.g. (a) Of all the angel in the heaven, You were meant for me. (stanza 4, line 7 and 8)
Variety - different types of tone in de poem
DICTION Connotation - occurs throughout the poem where poet show the value E.g. (a) An angel to protect me (stanza 1, line 3) (b) who wiped away my tears (stanza 2. line 5) (c) who made me the lady I am (stanza 4, line 3)
There’s Been a Death in the Opposite House By Emily Dickson
There’s been a death in the opposite house As lately as today. I know it by the numb look Such houses have always. The neighbors rustle in and out, The doctor drives away. A window opens like a pod, Abrupt, mechanically;
Somebody flings a mattress out, - The children hurry by; They wonder if It died on that, - I used to when a boy. The minister goes stiffly in As if the house was his, And he owned all the mourners now, And little boys besides;
And then the milliner, and the man Of the appalling trade. To take the measure of the house. There’ll be that dark parade Of tassels and of coaches soon; It’s easy as a sign,- The intuition of the news In just a country town.
GRAMMAR Modifiers E.g. A window opens like a pod, Abrupt, mechanically; ( Stanza 2, Line 8 and 9) The minister goes stiffly in ( Stanza 4, Line 13)
Tense E.g. Simple Present – The doctor drives away. ( Stanza 2, Line 6) - Somebody flings a mattress out, - ( Stanza 3, Line 9) - A window opens like a pod, ( Stanza 2, Line 7)
Past – They wonder if It died on that, - I used to when a boy. ( Stanza 3, Line 4 and 5) And he owned all the mourners now, ( Stanza 4, Line 15)
PUNCTUATION Dash Somebody flings a mattress out, - The children hurry by, They wonder if they died on that, - I used to when a boy. A dash is used to indicate an interruption in thought. Dashes can also be used to set off parenthetical elements.
Period E.g. There’s been a death in the opposite house As lately as today. I know it by the numb look Such houses have always. The period is commonly used to end a declarative sentences or even an imperative sentences.
Comma The minister goes stiffly in As if the house was his, And he owned all the mourners now, And little boys besides; A comma indicates a slight pause within a sentences and is used in a wide variety of construction.
Semicolon A window opens like a pod, Abrupt, mechanically; ( Stanza 2, Line 7 and 8) Somebody flings a mattress out, - The children hurry by; ( Stanza 3, Line 9 and 10)
MECHANICS Capitals E.g. There’s been a death in the opposite house As lately as today. I know it by the numb look Such houses have always. In conventional poetry the first letter of each line is capitalized
E.g. Somebody flings a mattress out, - The children hurry by; They wonder if It died on that, - I used to when a boy. A word can be capitalized at times for special emphasis.