SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.
MILITARISM: Glorification of the military; war was made to be romantic Countries feel threatened, start building up military Navy was most important branch to build up
ALLIANCES: Feeling threatened by expansion & industrialization, countries began to form alliances with each other in case of war TRIPLE ALLIANCE (CENTRAL POWERS): TRIPLE ENTENTE (ALLIED POWERS): FRANCE RUSSIA (1917) GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES (1917) SERBIA ITALY (LATER) GERMANY AUSTRIA-HUNGARY OTTOMAN EMPIRE BULGARIA
IMPERIALISM: Competition to gain more territory with access to more natural resources and build the largest empire led to tension among nations
NATIONALISM: Strong sense of pride for one’s country Big in France & Germany Strong nationalism in Russia that caused Austria-Hungry to feel threatened Balkan region: highest area of tension due to nationalism (known as the “powder keg of Europe”
SHORT-TERM CAUSE OF WWI: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria) Sarajevo, Bosnia June 28, 1914 Assassin: Gavrilo Princip Member of the Black Hand, Serbian nationalist group Austria declares war on Serbia
ALLIANCES KICK IN: Austria-Hungary calls on Germany Serbia asked Russia for help Russia asks France for help Germany declares war on France Germany invades Belgium, Great Britain declares war on Germany
WESTERN FRONT: Germany v. France Began digging trenches to protect their armies from enemy fire (trench warfare) Caused a stalemate; battle lines remained unchanged in France for 4 years
BATTLE OF VERDUN: February 21-December 18, 1916 Lasts 10 months German strategy: to inflict mass casualties on the French in hopes of taking France One of the longest & most devastating battles of the war 976,000 deaths French won
TRENCH WARFARE: Aerial of trenches No Man’s Land
“going over the top” was the only way to take territory
“trench foot”
EASTERN FRONT: Germany v. Russia Russia was the least industrialized great power during WWI Poorly equipped to fight a modern war Russia left war in 1917 due to revolution
NEW MODERN TECHNOLOGY: Machine guns Long range artillery gun Poison gas Tanks Airplanes Submarines (U-boats)
THE END: USA joins Allies, helps Allied Powers win Germany signed an armistice on Nov. 11, 1918 at 11 AM Paris Peace Conference: *victories Allies met in Paris to decide Europe’s fate *”Big Four:” US, France, Britain, Italy *Wilson wanted “peace without victory” *Fourteen Points *League of Nations
TREATY OF VERSAILLES: Forced Germany to sign in June 1919 Provisions: *War-Guilt Clause *Reparations ($30 billion) *Limited German military *took away German claimed territory Mandate system: territories that would be administered by Western powers; became European colonies
EUROPE IN SHAMBLES: Because of stress of war, governments collapsed in: 1. Russia 2. Germany 3. Austria-Hungary 4. Ottoman Empire
HAPSBURG DYNASTY: Family that ruled in Austria-Hungary for many centuries Collapsed after WWI due to food shortages, unstable government, influenced by Russian Revolution, and toll of war
ROMANOV DYNASTY: Rulers of Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution WW1 caused tension among the Russians which led to revolt Tsar Nicholas thought WW1 would help rebuild & industrialize Russia War left Russians starving, soldiers were poorly equipped, men forced to fight
COST OF WAR: More than 8.5 million men died in battle About 18 million had been wounded, many left disabled for life 6-13 million civilians lost their lives Most countries put all their money & resources into war, were left poor and dissatisfied (about $208 million) Lost an entire generation of men