Policy Plan on Asylum An integrated approach to the protection of refugees across the European Union June 2008
Background (1) In 1999 the EU Heads of State and Government meeting in Tampere called for the establishment of a Common European Asylum System. Since then, asylum has been considered an issue to be tackled at EU level. Many legislative measures were adopted at EU level between 1999 and 2005, regulating some aspects of important issues: asylum procedures, reception conditions for asylum-seekers, responsibility for examining an asylum application, qualification to become a refugee, etc.
Background (2) The European Council requested in the Hague Programme further development of the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS). In 2007 the Commission presented a Green Paper to launch a debate with all relevant actors about the form the CEAS should take Input received during this debate contributed the preparation of the Policy Plan.
Purpose of the Policy Plan To present all the initiatives the Commission plans to make in the coming years ( ), in order to complete the second phase of the Common European Asylum System
Trends identified in the Policy Plan Relatively lower number of asylum applications in the EU Divergences in the level of protection granted by the Member States Increasing use of the subsidiary protection status instead of the traditional refugee (Convention) status
Asylum applications in EU
Which are the objectives of the CEAS? (1) Ensure access for those in need of protection: Provide for a single, common procedure Establish uniform statuses for asylum and for subsidiary protection Incorporate gender considerations and take into account the special needs of vulnerable groups Increase practical cooperation
Which are the objectives of the CEAS? (2) Determine responsibility and support solidarity, within the EU and between the EU and third countries Ensure coherence with other policies that have an impact on international protection Respect international agreements and in particular the 1951 Geneva Convention
Which strategy to achieve these goals? The Policy Plan proposes a three- pronged strategy: 1. Legislative harmonisation, leading to better common standards 2. Promote practical cooperation between Member State asylum administrations 3. Enhance solidarity and responsibility
Legislative harmonisation leading to better standards Three main existing directives will be amended: The Reception Conditions Directive, to ensure higher common standards for receiving asylum-seekers The Asylum Procedures Directive, in order to set out clear common procedural rules needed to ensure proper and (harmonised) application of the Qualification Directive The Qualifications Directive, to strengthen the rights attached to protection statuses and harmonise such statuses
Practical cooperation To facilitate practical cooperation, a European Asylum Support Office will be created. It will coordinate activities related to country of origin information, common trainings, exchange of best practices, etc. The office will not have decision-making powers in individual cases, which will continue to be a national competence.
Solidarity and responsibility (1) Within the EU, the rules about the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application (Dublin II regulation, EURODAC) will be amended in order to increase their efficiency and fairness. New solidarity mechanisms will be proposed to help ‘overburdened’ Member States that have difficulties in coping with large numbers of asylum-seekers arriving into their territory.
Solidarity and responsibility (2) From an external point of view, the EU is committed to support third countries receiving large refugee flows by: 1. Expanding Regional Protection Programmes to other regions; 2. Establishing an EU-wide voluntary resettlement scheme; 3. Enhancing the accessibility of the EU
Conclusion: guiding principles The guiding principles for the EU’s action in the area of asylum will be: 1. To uphold the Union's humanitarian protection tradition and ensuring respect of fundamental rights 2. To establish a level playing field 3. To enhance the efficiency of the asylum system 4. To provide solidarity within and outside the Union