CDX Registration for the eNOI System CDX Registration Accessing the Vessels Application Module
Registration: Warning Notice
Registration : Terms & Conditions
Registration : User Information
Registration : Organization Information
Registration : Add Program Select “Stormwater Notice of Intent (eNOI) (SWENOI)” to access the eNOI application. This will provide you access to both the Stormwater and the Vessels NOI submission modules.
Enter the 2-letter state abbreviation in the “ID” text box. Registration : Add Program ID
Entering the eNOI System:
This is the eNOI Home page, which is accessed by clicking the SWeNOI link within CDX. eNOI Home Page Select the ‘Vessels eNOI radio button if you have a VGP to submit, modify, certify, or review
This is the Vessels Control Panel where you can enter new Vessel NOIs (top half of screen) and edit, certify, and search for existing Vessele NOIs (bottom half of screen) Vessels User Control Panel Enter information here to begin submitting a form.