About what percentage of the world’s population owns a car? 10%
Brahman is the god of which religion? Hinduism
How many continents are there? Seven
Karma is often explained as: What goes around comes around
What 2 oceans border the United States Pacific and Atlantic
What fraction of the world’s population does not have enough to eat each day? 1/7
Islam is usually associated with what region of the world? Middle East
One of the most common forms of clothing in the Middle East (one of the hottest places in the world are) are: Long robes
Close to 90% of marriage in India (and 60% worldwide): Are arranged
In China, should a person eat everything on their plate? No, it is rude to do so
Who is the most important prophet in Judaism? Moses
If a religion is polytheistic, what does that mean? It has many gods
What does the term ‘trinity’ mean when talking about religion? One god in three parts
The most popular sport in the U.S. is: Football
80% of the world’s population regularly eats: Insects
Muhammad is associated with what religion? Islam
Which is not one of the Great Lakes? Quebec
The percentage of the U.S. adult population that is literate is: 99% (97% in world Almanac)
People of what religion pray 5 times per day? Islam
People of what religion primarily live in India? Hinduism
The most popular sport in the world is: Soccer (football to everyone else)
What 2 countries in the word have the highest populations? China and India
What 2 continents have mostly Christian populations? North America and South America
Which of the following 2 statements is true regarding the death penalty Most countries of the world have banned it
“Alternative medicine” includes all of the following EXCEPT: Medical drugs
What form of entertainment in the U.S. makes the most money? Movies
What percentage of the people in the U.S. are considered overweight or obese? 60%
What is the main currency of Europe? Euro
“Gender roles” has to do with: How a culture defines what men and women should be
The belief in reincarnation is: People are reborn into new forms after they die
Journal Entry Which of the questions from today’s Pre-Test surprised you the most? REMEMBER: Social Studies is just like English class. Try your best to use proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Always ask if you aren’t sure! P.S. A good writer uses an intro, a body, and a conclusion, too!