Ms. Kettelene Eloissaint Developmental & English through ESOL ~ ~ “ Where the door is open for us to grow” or Miami Norland Senior High School High School
I will with confidence strive to speak, read, write and think above my level, so that I may grow ESOL levels to exit out of ESOL. I will speak life and hope into my life and others. I believe everyone is capable of achieving excellence, and is capable of going to college. Therefore I will act like a college student starting today. Class Motto Today I choose to overcome adversity. By working harder and respecting my peers and school. I will with confidence take Viking pride in myself and education; to achieve my goals, and become whatever I set my mind to. I KNOW the ANSWER, I am and will be the SOLUTION! Class Vision
Agenda Welcome! Attendance Introduction – Who Am I Activity Review: Rules and Procedures Materials Class website registration Multiple Intelligence Activity Closing
Getting to Know You Activity
About Ms. K
Rules & Procedures
Rules and Procedures Treat others just as you would like to be treated. Come to class on time: be in the classroom in your assigned seat with materials out when the bell rings No cell phones or electronic devices in class period. Follow directions the first time they are given. Words are powerful!!!. Build up your peers do not tear them down. Use classroom appropriate language when speaking to and about each other – no profanity foul language or offensive terms. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Respect each others property. Be attentive, active, and on task at all times. Be prepared at all times. Binder, paper, Journal, Pen/Pencil
Consequences 1 st Misconduct-- Verbal warning 2 nd Misconduct-Teacher-student conference. 3 rd Misconduct--Call home. 4 th Misconduct--Detention 5 th Misconduct--Write up (Referral) 6 th Misconduct- Parent Teacher Conference. * The above list applies to minor misbehavior. In the event that a student acts violently or significantly hinders the learning environment they will immediately be removed from the classroom, written up and sent room 311
Rewards 1 st Verbal Acknowledgement. 2 nd Treat from the apple 3 rd Assignments placed on the Wall of Fame. 4 th Positive letter or call home. 5 th Acknowledge as student of the Month. 6 th Teacher-student lunch.
Rules and Procedures Homework – Late homework will result in reduction of original grade, starting from 25% and reducing each day it is not turned in.
Rules and Procedures Bathroom policy – You get 4 bathroom passes every semester. Unused bathroom passes can be used for 1 missed homework assignment, treat, and credit towards a low exam. Passes can not be transferred to the next semester.
Things you need for this class Composition Notebook 3 Ring binder Pen/Pencil Extra Credit Opportunity Box of Kleenex or Hand sanitizer
Binder Organization Be sure to organize Section 1: Notes/Exams Section 2: Homework Section 3: Class assignments Section 4: Vocabulary
Classroom library Rules and Procedures Checkout Procedure –Fill out the checkout form next to the library. –You are accountable for the book. Be sure keep books in good condition. – Complete a Reading log.(Earn Extra Credit )
1,000,000 Word Challenge Read 25 Young Adult Novels (Small type of 150 pages) by the end of the school year to achieve this goal.
Grading Policy Grading Scale A % B % C % D 60 – 69% F 0 – 59% Grade Breakdown Papers 30% Exams 15% Quizzes 10% Participation 10% Homework 10% Speeches 20% Classwork/Binder Check 10%
Register for Classes on Norland Website Directions: For creating an account and registering for classes on Norland’s website. Go to the Norland website Click on Create an account (located above). Use a personal address to register. If you do not have an address, create one from google, yahoo and etc first. Fill out the Registration application. Go back to your personal to verify and activate the account. Log into the account. This should send you into your profile. Click on My Classes. Click the link : To add a class to this list, go to your class page and click on the "Add to My Classes" Select Department “ELL”. Select the period with the following codes accordingly: Period 1 Maya Angelou (3001) Period 3 Amy Tan (3003) Period 5 Langston Hughes (3005) Period 6 Sandra Cisneros (3006) Period 7 Mark Twain (3007) Period 8 Edgar Allan Poe (3008) Then wait for teacher approval.
Due by Friday August 28, 2015 Class Syllabus (Class grade) School Information (Extra credit ) Due by September 11, 2015 Box of Kleenex or Hand sanitizer (Extra Credit)
Multiple Intelligence Activity What Kind of Learner are you?