Name The course(s) that you coordinate for EED Your comfort level with NETS 1.Not familiar with the NETS 2.Familiar but not comfortable 3.Relatively comfortable but could benefit from knowing more 4.NETS-T: I’ve got this Who do we have here?
Requires alignment to NETS-TSyllabi alignment to NETS-T Learning Outcomes and Assignment alignment to NETS-T
Learning OutcomesInTASCNETS-T AssignmentsInTASCNETS-T
Why are we here?
Let’s see what the students should be mastering National Education Technology Standards for STUDENTS
What do you think? Did the NETS-S surprise you? Do you like how they are written? Easily integrated with content standards? Do you have a favorite NETS-S? Other comments?
Let’s see what the students should be mastering National Education Technology Standards for TEACHERS
#1: Student learning#2: Digital age learning#3: Digital age work#4: Digital citizenship#5: Professional growth
#1: Student learning#2: Digital age learning Using technology in various ways to impact student learning
Digital age work Using technology, as a professional, outside of the teaching and learning space.
Digital Citizenship The rules, policies, ethics and safety practices for using technology
Professional growth Professional development and leadership, through or about technology
What’s the difference? Read through the top level descriptor for standards 1 and 2. In the classroom vs. planning and design In general. Kind of.
1b – problem-based, or project-based learning that includes the use of technology 1c – collaborative technology tools to promote reflection and thinking/process skills (e.g., Google docs) 1d – engaging in learning with students, colleagues and others – either virtually or not (overlap with standard 5) Standard #1 1a – technology to promote students’ creative thinking and inventiveness, e.g., solving a problem, digital storytelling
2a – lesson planning, using technology to enhance teaching and learning 2c – using technology tools to differentiate learning Standard #2 2d – formative and summative assessments aligned to BOTH content and technology standards (NETS-S) to guide teaching
3d – falls in the category of information literacy. Using the Internet for research – ability to effectively search for information and then evaluate the quality and reliability of the information found Standard #3 3c – communicate with parents, students and peers, using digital tools 3a – transfer of knowledge – may not be the same tool so a conceptual understanding and the ability to adjust
4a – copyright/fair use, documentation of sources 4c – netiquette, cyberbullying, cybersafety – teach kids to stay safe online Standard #4
5a – “learning communities” e.g. Join an online community of practice to engage and learn from other educators. Standard #5 5c – “reflect and evaluate” “research and professional practice” e.g. Subscribe to magazine such as Leading & Learning with Technology.
A 4th grade class is learning about Arizona. Groups of students are assigned a city in Arizona and asked to create a Glogster (online multimedia poster) all about that city. They are to include pictures, facts, links to websites, and text that describes the city.
A 3 rd grade teacher is using a blog to communicate with parents, in lieu of a newsletter. She writes about 2 paragraphs each day about the main topics and activities from the day’s class and posts homework due the next day. She also uses the blog to remind parents about curriculum nights, field trips and other important dates.
Bullying has been a problem at the middle school. The 7 th grade teacher has students research bullying, facilitates several discussions about bullying… and then assigns students to develop a PSA about bullying to be played viewed by all classes.. Students will do everything from writing the script to filming and video editing.
A high school Social Studies teacher encourages students to use the Internet, including YouTube to find additional information about any topic they’re studying. Students are also encouraged to share what they find on their own, with the class. Through these experiences, the teacher talks extensively about the information found on the Internet, and whether it can always be trusted. Throughout the year, students learn how to evaluate the information and videos they find online.
MAC or InMAC course instructor
The TEACHER is the ASU student in your class. Alignment is based on preparing them to meet the NETS-T in their K-12 positions.
ASU instructor is blogging to students as a form of class communication. NOT aligned to NETS-T (as a learning outcome) Unless the ASU instructor is modeling as a strategy to prepare students to do the same.
Students write lesson plans as a class assignment. Some of them MAY integrate technology. NOT aligned to NETS-T (as a learning outcome) Unless they have been learning about effective technology integration and are required to include a technology application that adds value to the lesson plan, aligned to NETS-S.
Let’s Practice!
Students will create a lesson plan, implement and video tape it in their field placement, and then write a reflection using language from the TAP rubric.
Throughout the semester, the instructor of a SS methods course will show students good Web sites for history topics. Students will also explore a variety of Web sites that provide primary sources.
The course instructor has students create their reading reflections using a digital tool called Voice Thread. Voice Thread is a multimedia tool (like PowerPoint) that also allows peers to provide feedback and leave comments (collaborative tool).
The ASU students will work with their mentor teachers to identify a K-12 student who is a struggling reader and to administer at least two assessments to evaluate the K-12 student’s reading. The ASU students will write a paper that describes the results of the assessment and a plan of action for instructing this K-12 student.