Video Questions How do each of these inventions improve education? Which are the most important? Do you see any changes in the type of improvements? Or has change been essentially linear? Do you think the company SMART is right about the next steps in educational technology? Why or why not?
History – Educational Technology
4 Eras Pre-microcomputer Microcomputer Internet Mobile Technologies
Pre-microcomputer Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) – used to create lessons and other educational materials Computer-managed instruction (CMI) – instructional applications for students to use directly
Microcomputer Began in the mid-1970s More direct access for teachers, plus ways for schools to deliver curriculum directly Computer literacy skills introduced in schools Curriculum on videodiscs Logo programming language (turtle)
Internet Began in late 1990s Browser software (Mosaic) , websites Virtual schooling
Mobile Technology “Ubiquitous access” Cell phones, tablets EBooks
Lessons from the Past No panacea technology Teachers cannot develop technology themselves Not all technological innovation is good Technology changes too quickly for immediate use Old technology is still useful Teachers matter more than technology