Welcome to SUPA Psychology Fall 2015
Introductions What’s in a name? What does your name say about you? Were you named after someone?
About me…
Concepts covered… Intro/History Research Methods Biological Bases of Behavior Sensation and Perception Consciousness Learning Human Memory Human Development Personality Psychological Disorders/Treatment Social Psychology
Rules & Expectations
Psychology Vows I vow to be respectful. I vow to be on time to class. I vow to be prepared. I vow to keep the classroom clean. I vow to listen when others speak. I vow to not use electronics in class. I vow to participate. I vow to be honorable and not cheat. I vow to complete assignments on time. I vow to do my best and take pride in all I accomplish.
What students really need to hear….
JFK Policies Lates Absences Bathroom/leaving the room Food/water Emergency Procedures Genesis Schoolwire Google Classroom
First assignment… Write a letter to me… Who are you? Tell me about yourself…favorites, friends, anything you’d like me to know. Why did you take this course? What is psychology? Do you have any prior knowledge? What do you hope to learn during this course? What are your future aspirations? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years?