Www.edvantia.org 1 Using the Instruction and Learning Appraisal (ILA) to Strengthen the Secondary Instructional Program WVDE Composite Results November.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Instruction and Learning Appraisal (ILA) to Strengthen the Secondary Instructional Program WVDE Composite Results November 2, 2007 Sharon Harsh, Ed.D. Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center

2 Procedures for Appraising Teaching and Learning InternalExternal Mandated Lesson plan review Teacher observation Teacher evaluation Accreditation Accountability measures Voluntary Program review Student data analysis Classroom walkthrough Instruction & Learning Appraisal

3 Background on Edvantia’s School Improvement Framework

4 ARCC/WVDE Collaboration Determine what WV high schools need to do to achieve the framework for high-performing 21 st century high schools; appraise mathematics, science, literacy, special education and English Language Learners. Determine readiness of WV high schools to implement the 21 st century initiative. Identify promising practices for 21 st century teaching and learning at the high school level.


6 Features and Components of the Instruction and Learning Appraisal (ILA) provides schools and school districts with a professional self-regulation process that can help determine the effectiveness of the instructional program grounded in findings from education literature and research curriculum and program neutral

7 Seven components Drawn from the successful school factors identified by Lipson, et al (2004) and from various other sources, including –the Effective Schools correlates (Edmonds, 1979) –elements of The Basic School (Boyer, 1995) –the Edvantia Framework for Research-Based School Improvement (AEL, 2002)

Focused Walkthrough

9 Identified Focus Areas Student-centered classroom Students engaged and on task Interactive, meaningful work appropriate to content and level Work has purpose, rigor, and challenge 21st Century context (real-world applications & connections, problem and project based) Student groups/team (cooperative learning, peer editing, lab teams) Use of 21st Century technologies for teaching and learning (hardware and software, probes, iPods, graphing calculators, Internet, multimedia)

10 Identified Focus Areas (continued) Opportunities for students to be innovative and creative (print and nonprint, resources other than textbooks) Higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, demonstration, Socratic discussion) Literacy strategies (graphic organizers, note-taking, KWL, Think-pair-share) Numeracy strategies (use and analyze data, charts, graphs; present information graphically) Standards-based learning (written evidence of CSOs) Essential questions Problem of the day

st Century Skills Walkthrough






Analysis of Academic Work

18 Analysis of Academic Work Task format Level of thinking Instructional time Questioning Instructional resources Transitions Instruction/curriculum calibration instruction student work Levels of engagement

19 Bloom’s Taxonomy

20 Aggregate Report Instruction and Learning Appraisal Analysis of Academic Work Level of Thinking SchoolwideMathScienceSocial StudiesEnglishOtherAMPM9th10th11th12thMixed 1Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Classrooms PercentagesSchoolwideMathScienceSocial StudiesEnglishOtherAMPM9th10th11th12thMixed 1Knowledge42%32%54%62%37% 43%40%51%45%58%38%37% 2Comprehension17%18%16%21%26%11%15%20%17%20%22%32%15% 3Application27%38%17%9%22%37%27% 24%22%10%4%33% 4Analysis7% 8%5%10%7%8%6%5%8% 5Synthesis5% 3%1%3%7%4%5%2%1%3%12%6% 6Evaluation1% 2%3%1%2%1% 4%0%6%1%

21 Analysis of Academic Work Level of Thinking Schoolwide 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation Schoolwide

22 Analysis of Academic Work Level of Thinking by Subject 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation Math Science Social Studies English Other

23 Analysis of Academic Work Level of Thinking by Time of Day 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation AM PM


25 Aggregate Report Instruction and Learning Appraisal Analysis of Academic Work Task Format SchoolwideMathScienceSocial StudiesEnglishOtherAMPM9th10th11th12thMixed Teacher Directed Teacher Assistan ce Peer Directed Non-Directed Classrooms PercentagesSchoolwideMathScienceSocial StudiesEnglishOtherAMPM9th10th11th12thMixed Teacher Directed31%38% 34%29%24%32%29%35% 29%30% Teacher Assistan ce49%53%51%42%49%50% 49%45%47%48%52%51% Peer Directed9%7%2%11% 13%9%10%11%7%11%6%9% Non-Directed10%3%8%12% 14%10%11%10%11%12% 10%

26 Analysis of Academic Work Task Format Schoolwide 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Teacher DirectedTeacher AssistancePeer DirectedNon-Directed Schoolwide

27 Analysis of Academic Work Task Format by Subject 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Teacher DirectedTeacher Assistance Peer DirectedNon-Directed Math Science Social Studies English Other

28 Analysis of Academic Work Task Format by Time of Day 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Teacher DirectedTeacher AssistancePeer DirectedNon-Directed AM PM

29 Analysis of Academic Work Task Format by Grade Level 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Teacher DirectedTeacher AssistancePeer DirectedNon-Directed 9th 10th 11th 12th Mixed









38 Instruction and Learning Appraisal (ILA) Levels of Implementation Report Summary Number of Schools: 17 Appraisal AreaNoEmergingPartialSubstantialFullNo Report Shared Goals for Learning683 Shared Goals for Learning 21st Century Technology31031 Shared Leadership269 Shared Leadership 21st Century Technology179 Learning Culture98 Learning Culture 21st Century Technology476 Effective Teaching1142 Effective Teaching 21st Century Technology854 Aligned Curriculum5732 Aligned Curriculum 21st Century Technology872 Purposeful Student Assessment1151 Purposeful Student Assessment 21st Century Technology6101 School-Family-Community Connections4931 School-Family-Community Connections 21st Century Tech51011 Math1151 Science881 Literacy Across the Curriculum1241 Special Education1142 English Language Learners (ELL)2114 Career/Technical116

39 Application of school appraisal data Examination of ILA data and evidence Determination of implementation level

40 Application of school appraisal data Determination of instructional and staff development needs based on the analysis of appraisal data

41 Application of school appraisal data Determination of target areas for instructional modification based on the analysis of appraisal data

42 Leverage points Effective teaching Aligned curriculum Purposeful student assessment Shared culture for learning

43 Common factors in schools that have increased levels of student achievement and proficiency Ed Trust Focus on what they can change, not what they cannot change Do not leave anything about teaching and learning to chance Teachers meet frequently to discuss the work Student progress is measured on an on-going basis At the high school level, all students have a rigorous curriculum Principals are actively involved in and focused on instruction

44 Questions

45 This presentation was prepared by Sharon Harsh for the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center (ARCC) at Edvantia. © 2007 by Edvantia, Inc. All rights reserved. Edvantia is a nonprofit education research and development corporation, founded in 1966, that partners with practitioners, education agencies, publishers, and service providers to improve learning and advance student success. Edvantia provides clients with a range of services, including research, evaluation, professional development, and consulting. Information about Edvantia products and services is available by writing P.O. Box 1348, Charleston, WV 25325; calling or ; or visiting Edvantia is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.