Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
Beginning in January 2008 We laid out the goals for the coming year in the “Knight Templar” (Magazine)
Your Officers were continuing with Grand Master Baldwin’s “Vision 64” But for the FIRST TIME actually laying out a Plan for the coming year!
Every January since 2008 there has been a set of goals established.
2011 Goals: Make Templary the most prestigious Order one may Petition
We are doing our Part: Prestigious KT Magazine Prestigious Website Prestigious Easter Services East & West Prestigious Triennial We Encourage YOU to Help!
Expand this Prestigious Order throughout the World.
Monaco – Dispensation Granted Bernard de Clairvaux Commandery, U.D.
Croatia – Possible Charters to be Granted in Alexanria 2012
Ivory Coast – Preliminary Discussions August 2011
Brazil Efforts are Continuing
Membership Stabilization during the 65 th Triennium
We would like to hear how you’re doing to effect this goal.
Increase the Visibility of the Order
Finance – Growing our Permanent Fund to a level where the Order will be self-sustaining
$6,500,000 and Since 2006 We have not utilized any Interest (about $4 Million then)
Closer associations between Grand Commanderies and Department Commanders as well as Grand Commandery Coordinators.
We need to work on Commandery Coordinator Suggested Guidelines.
Improve the quality of Ritualistic work being done
Last Cycle of Department Conferences as Grand Master
Over the Past 4 years --
We’ve tried to keep our eyes on where we’re going!
We’ve tried to keep the wheels on!
We had a ‘Crash’ or two along the way.
We’ve tried to support what You were doing!
We’ve had some Laughs!
We’ve shed some tears.
But through it all – We’ve tried to do What was right.
As Grand Master I have tried to do my Duty, as God gave me the light to see that Duty. (a paraphrase of Gen. Douglas McArthur)
James Morris Ward closed many of his speeches with this –
There is a sadness at the setting of the sun not for the sins committed but for the things I have not done.
I will have no sadness because: Those who follow are eminently well qualified to get whatever was left undone done!
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat