HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status1 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana HCAL DPG Status Olga Kodolova Frank Chlebana HCAL General Meeting Apr 21, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status1 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana HCAL DPG Status Olga Kodolova Frank Chlebana HCAL General Meeting Apr 21, 2011

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status2 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Done: HCAL Calibration have been provided for CMSSW_4_2_0 Response correction function to correct for HB channels with missing LO filter Online conditions have been updated Rate of high energy hits have been reduced after HF sleeve replacement On going urgent tasks: Migrating HF filters to HLT Adding RBX/HPD noise filter in some MET trigger paths Investigating methods to reduce L1 HF pre-triggering: apply BX-1 veto or/and develop L1 TP filters Reducing Out Of Time pile-up Current status

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status3 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana 2011 startup conditions - done ChannelQuality Pedestals HF gains after sleeve replacement Response corrections with phisym (|ieta|<41) and scale (|ieta|<22-23) Start of data taking with 3.11(4.1): Included phi-symmetry in L1 and HLT+reco Reprocessing with 4.2: Include the full HCAL calibration at HLT and Reco; L1 will stay with phisym corrections Caveat: iphi=-6, iphi=-32 Special treatment for HLT and Reco. Response correction kept = 1 at L1. Calibration and condition status

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status4 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana L1 rate Constant Response correction for Problematic channels Iphi=-6 and Iphi=32 Note: at HLT and RECO we are using function to account for the missing neutral energy Filter at L0

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status5 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Calibrations included for CMSSW4.2 HBHE relative and absolute HF relative Postponed to the next release HF absolute scale (Zee) On going: improving calibration with higher statistics; CASTOR and ZDC calibration Reconstruction (on going): Minor changes in the definition of rechit bits Unify strategy of rechit flags used for flagging noise Include More in: Reconstruction and Calibration plans

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status6 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Observe a rate from triggering in the BX-1 crossing due to PMT window events. Adjustment of HF signal position allows PMT window events arriving in the earlier crossing Possible solutions: - Veto on BX-1 Run looks very promising: 1 pre-triggered event over L1 TP filters Code exists but parameters need tuning and firmware requires update. Filters rely on isolation may appear to be less effective as occupancy increases and may disturb some physics channelsPre-triggeringPre-triggering

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status7 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Pre-triggering (Jim)

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status8 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Tuning HBHE noise filters in PU conditions from 75 ns->50ns. First results looks promising but need extensive testing before making filters default. Plan to migrate HF noise filters (Topological and Pulse shape) to HLT HF topological filter becomes less efficient with changing reconstruction from 4TS to 2TS HLT versions of Filters were presented to the TSG. We prefer not to apply filters at HLT unless absolutely necessary Some caveats: Not RECO but AOD will be stored at Tier2-> access to TS may be not possible unless we ask for HCAL DPG skim. Today, after HCAL general we will have the meeting dedicated HF noise sourcesNoiseNoise

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status9 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Initial pileup discussion with Jetmet Jamboree Developments: Change HBHE energy reconstruction from 4TS to 2TS Develop filters to remove OOT pileup Fit pulse shape train in TS2-TS9 Plus pileup subtraction methods provided by JetMET. Need to verify what option gives the best Jet and MET resolution Out of time Pileup

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status10 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Shifts are on going in SINP MSU and FNAL on daily basis. HCAL Offline shifts

HCAL General Meeting: DPG Status11 Olga Kodolova / Frank Chlebana Verify simulation of HO including SiPm Evaluate HO usage for the different objects and recommend appropriate reconstruction settings Develop a calibration strategy of HO Provide calibration constants for HO In collaboration with JetMET demonstrate improvements in jet reconstruction HO Task force