The Iliad: Book I Review
Characters Agamemnon- Menelaos’s brother (from the Legend of Helen); Started Trojan War; King of Achaians Achilles- Great Achaian warrior Chryses- Chryseis’s Dad/Priest to Apollo Chryseis- Captured Maiden; taken by Agamemnon Briseis- Captured Maiden; taken by Achilles
Sequence of Events Homer (author) evokes a muse Achilles, a hero in the Trojan War, is angry because two women were captured: Chryseis and Briseis Agamemnon takes Chryseis Achilles takes Briseis Chryses: Chryseis’s Dad/Priest to god Apollo Agamemnon refuses to give Chryses his daughter back, even though a reward was offered
Sequence of Events Chryses (the Dad) prays to Apollo for help Apollo sends a plague that kills many soldiers After ten days, a soothsayer is sent to find the cause of the plague Calchas, a powerful seer, says the plague is from Chryses and Apollo Agamemnon is enraged Agamemnon says he will only return Chryseis if Achilles gives him Briseis
Dispute Over Chryseis: Chryses’s daughter; Agamemnon takes her Briseis: Taken by Achilles; wanted by Agamemnon to stop plague (in return for Agamemnon handing over Chryseis)
Sequence of Events Achilles is mad that Agamemnon thinks he can take Briseis Both men threaten each other Achilles is about to kill Agamemnon when Hera (a goddess) sends Athena to stop him Agamemnon sends Chryseis back to her father and sends someone to get Briseis from Achilles Odysseus sails the ship that returns Chryseis and the plague is lifted
Sequence of Events Achilles gives Agamemnon Briseis Achilles refuses to battle because of the fight with Agamemnon Achilles asked Zeus for help Zeus owes Achilles’s Mom (Thetis) a favor Zeus helps the Trojans against his wife Hera’s wishes Hera is mad at Zeus because she prefers the Greeks
So Both Agamemnon and Achilles are more concerned with their own selfish wants than the war effort or peace with each other Both men lack: Honor Humility Selflessness