MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK WEEK New Department Chairs Orientation WEEK 3 17 Dept Chairs & Deans Retreat 1819 Fall Semester Begins 20 President’s Convocation 21 WEEK 4 24 Weekday Classes Begin Educational Series on Grants and CSUN Svcs with the Dean 330PM-430PM (Whitsett) 2526 EPC & GSC Deadline for Colleges to submit revised Fall 2016 Curriculum Proposals EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 2728 WEEK 5 31 AUGUST 2015 Department Meetings COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 23 Final Data Review - Spring 2015 (Chairs) ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 4 Circulation to EPC of New & Previously Approved Experimental Topics & Selected Topics Courses EPC WEEK 2 78 GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 9 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 10 Faculty Senate Meeting 11 Election of College Personnel Committees Department Chairs submit to the Dean of their college the description of anticipated PT staffing needs for Spring 2016 WEEK Educational Series on Grants and CSUN Svcs with the Dean 330PM-430PM (Whitsett) 1718 WEEK 4 21 Fall 2015 Census Date Council of Chairs Meeting 2223 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 2425 Sabbatical Apps due to Chair SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK SEPTEMBER 2015 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Labor Day, Campus Closed
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 Final Data Review – Spring 2016 (Deans) ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 2 SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK 2 56 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 7 Research Fellow Applications Now Available Due 12/4 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 89 Sabbatical Apps to CPC SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) Educational Series on Grants and CSUN Svcs with the Dean 330PM-430PM (Whitsett) 1415 Faculty Senate 16 DIP Apps to Dean SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK 4 19 Council of Chairs Meeting 2021 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 2223 Dept Decisions re RTP- 2nd Yr SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) OCTOBER 2015 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK AFRS Week Kick-Off 3 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 4 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) Richard Smith Lecure 7PM (Whitsett) 56 SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK 2 9 2nd Yr Ltrs to Dean 10 GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 1112 Latin American Film Festival ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 13 Latin American Film Festival SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK Educational Series on Grants and CSUN Svcs with the Dean 330PM- 430PM (Whitsett) 18 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 19 Faculty Senate Mtg 20 SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK 4 23 Council of Chairs Schedule Build Begins for Summer ’ Sabbatical Apps to Faculty Affairs 2627 WEEK 5 30 Dean/CPC Decisions re RTP-2 nd Yr NOVEMBER 2015 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Thanksgiving Day Campus Closed Campus Closed
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 EPC & GSC Deadline for all Sp.2017 College Curriculum Proposals 1 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 2 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 3 ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 4 Research Fellow Applications Due SS Writing Project 2PM- 4PM (SH 386) WEEK 2 78 Last Day of Formal Instruction GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (ED 1214/1216) 910 Dean/CPC ltrs to Provost 11 Research Fellow Committee will submit its recommendation to the Dean by 5 p.m. WEEK 3 14 Council of Chairs Revisions to Personnel Procedures due to PP&R 15 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) Educational Series on Grants and CSUN Svcs with the Dean 330PM- 430PM (Whitsett) Dean will announce the recipient of the Research Fellowship Schedule Build end for Summer ‘16 WEEK nd Yr Appeals Due 22 Grades Due Last Day of Fall 2015 Semester WEEK DECEMBER 2015 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Campus Closed Department Meetings & Conferences Final Examinations
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 EPC & GSC Deadline for all Sp.2017 Revised College Curriculum Proposals 1 WEEK WEEK WEEK Faculty Retreat 20 Faculty Retreat 2122 Spring Semester Begins Dept Mtgs WEEK 5 25 Weekday Classes Begin PP&R Appeal Decisions Due Dept Recommendations on RTP JANUARY 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Campus Closed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Campus Closed
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 RTP Letters due to Dean 2 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 3 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 4 Fall 2015 Schedule Build: Chair’s Final Review ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 5 WEEK 2 89 GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 1011 Faculty Senate Mtg (2-4:30pm, OV81) 12 Anticipated Staffing Needs due to Dean WEEK nd Yr Decisions due from Provost Council of Chairs Mtg 1617 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 18 Faculty Senate Meeting 19 Spring 2015 Census Date Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium WEEK FERP Applications Due 25 Approved Election Ballot Faculty Senate Executive Committee Mtg (1-4:30pm, UN277) 26 RTP Letters due to Candidates FEBRUARY 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar WEEK 5 29 Faculty Research & Creative Activity Proposals due to Research & Sponsored Projects
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 2 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 3 Schedule Build Close Fall 2016 Schedule Build, Dean’s Final Rev. ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 4 WEEK 2 78 GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 9 Instructionally Related Activities proposals due to Academic Resources 10 Faculty Senate Meeting 11 WEEK EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 17 Appeal Materials due to PP&R 18 Emeritus Nominations due to Faculty Affairs WEEK WEEK 5 28 Council of Chairs Mtg MARCH 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Cesar Chavez Day, Campus Closed Cesar Chavez Day, Campus Closed Spring Break
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 WEEK 2 45 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 6 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 7 ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 8 WEEK GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 1314 Faculty Senate Mtg 15 Application Closing Date (P/T) WEEK 4 18 Council of Chairs Mtg 1920 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 2122 WEEK APRIL 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) 4 EPC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 211) 5 ACM Meeting 10AM- 12PM (Whitsett) 6 Applicant Pool Logs due WEEK GSC Meeting 2PM-4PM (UN 277) 1112 Faculty Senate Mtg 13 Last Day of Formal Instruction for Weekday Classes WEEK 3 16 Council of Chairs Mtg 17 APC Meeting 2PM-4PM (SH 181) Honors Convocation WEEK 4 23 Honored Faculty Reception Grades Due Last of AY Progress reports are due for New Faculty Research Support WEEK Summer Term Session 1 May 31-Aug 23 Session 2 May 31-July 12 MAY 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Final Examinations Memorial Day, Campus Closed Commencements *Saturday, May 21 8am – Anthropology, Geography, and Psychology Commencement 6pm – Africana Studies, History, Political Science, Public Administration, Social Work, Sociology, and Urban Studies & Planning Commencement
MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY WEEK 1 1 WEEK WEEK Summer Term Session 3 July 13-Aug WEEK WEEK JULY 2016 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES College Academic Calendar Independence Day Campus Closed Independence Day Campus Closed