Energy Saving Trust South East Centres Kent, Surrey and Sussex – KSS Thames Valley and Solent - TVS Graham Dear – Advice Centre Manager, KSS Jan Deacon – 1 to 1 Support Manager, TVS 27 th February 2009
KSS Centre in …. Overall structure remains the same Recruitment - Advice Centre Manager - Operations Manager - Marketing Manager Support Officer - Centre Support - Project Officer - 8 Advisors Advice Centre – Thornton Heath Sub-contractors – The Energy Centre - AEA Energy and Environment
TVS Centre Staff –At recruitment for Centre Manager (Brad Hook Acting) –Marketing Manager –Operational Manager –4x 1 to 1 Managers –Transport Advisor –7x Outreach Advisors –7x Telephone Advisors Presence – Milton Keynes and Witney Sub Contractors – tEC and NEF
How we advise customers / All advisors trained to provide detailed advice and make referrals to grants, offers Energy hierarchy –Low cost/no cost - behavioural –Measures that cost effectively reduce CO2 – insulation remains a priority measure –Also transport (use less, drive smarter, buy efficient) 09/10 - Businesses (employees) - waste & water Renewables –Reactive advice as required –Proactive advice only when appropriate
Outreach Programme Out-reach events in –Concentrating on areas with a high footfall e.g. –Heathfield Farmers Market. –Shopping centre's. Technology show cases – Concentrate on large organizations and events e.g. Kent County Show, Blenheim Horse Trials etc Transport advice -Concentrating on Local Authorities and Businesses with 500 employees e.g Pfizer, Thames Valley Police
KSS ESTac Activities 09/10 - Surrey
ESTac Activities 09/10: W Sussex
ESTac Activities 09/10: E. Sussex
ESTac Activities 09/10: Kent
121 Local Authority Support Programme The KSS ESTac covers 35 District and Borough Local Authorities, 3 Counties and 2 Unitary Authorities, Medway and Brighton & Hove. 121 Support Programme Medway Maidstone Swale Tunbridge Wells Elmbridge Epson & Ewell Reigate & Banstead Arun Mid-Sussex One new LA engaged
TVS 1 to 1 Support 30 Local Authorities, 5 Counties, 10 Unitaries Currently within Programme; –West Oxfordshire –Slough –South Buckinghamshire –Test Valley –Isle of Wight –Havant 6 new LAs for 09-10
HEC Mailings to Local Authority Areas Waverley BC 30,000 Tonbridge & Malling 30,000 Shepway 30,000 Reigate & Banstead 30,000 Runnymede 30,000 Canterbury 30,000 Swale 30,000 Arun 30,000 Epsom & Ewell 30,000 Rother 30,000 Total 300,000
Low Carbon Communities KSS - 8 existing Low Carbon Communities and 2 initiated. TVS – 8 existing and 4 new Low Carbon Communities Partnerships South East Home Insulation Partnership DCReASE
KSS Key Performance Indicators Targets 2009/10 Key Performance Indicators KPI 1Advice Contacts Customer Led Advice 50,400 Digital Advice tools 7,000 Advice Mailing responses 33,200 Standard Outreach Events 5,400 Employee Engagement 1,200 Community Outreach Events 1,200 Transport 10,000 Total Advice Contacts 108,400 KPI 3 Impact Targeted Carbon Savings tC 19,242 Total Carbon Saving tC 195,934
TVS Targets KPI 1Advice Contacts Customer Led Advice 48,000 Digital Advice tools 2,000 Advice Mailing responses 23,000 Standard Outreach Events 5,000 Employee Engagement 2,000 Community Outreach Events 800 Transport 11,000 Total Advice Contacts 80,800 Targeted carbon savings tC 92,417 Total tC saving 395,417
Issues Transport Advice Installations Renewable energy Waste Water