Peking University Digital Library Programs Overview
Outline 1.General Information 2.Collections 3.Local Digital Collections Development 4.Digitization Projects/Production Lines 5.Access to Digital Collection and Information
1. General Information 1.1 Building –51000M2 –4000+ Seats –6.5 Million Copies 1.2 Staffing –200FTE + 10~20 PTE 1.3 Branches –11
2. Collections: 2.1 Print Collection: 5 millions copies total –Books: 3 millions copies –Periodicals: 0.38 millions copies –Old Newspapers: dated before Titles, Copies –Rare Books: Titles, 1.5 millions copies Unique RB: Titles, copies –Rubbings: titles, pieces
2. 2 Commercial Digital Collections Databases: 300 ( 2001:260 , 2002:270 ) –Chinese : 120+ English: 170+ –Networked: 200+CD-ROM: 100- E-journals:25000 (2001: 15000, 2002:19000 ) –Chinese: 9000 –English: E-books: – 北大方正( Founder’s ) : 6000 – 书生之家( Bookworm’s home ) : –NetLibrary: on trial, 4000 –Chinese Ancient and Rare Bks: 四库 : 1500 ti, 3000cp 四部 : 500 ti 二十五史 : 25 ti
3. Local Digital Collections Development 3.1 Goals: Preserving library materials Developing born-digital data assets Digging out/preserving local information resources Cooperating with others to develop and share digital collections
3.2 Major Digital Assets: PKU Scholars: –Data of 231 PKU professors, 97 with sizable materials –Images: 2400 pieces, master/derivative/browse –Articles : 53 –Catalog records : 480 –Audio/video materials : 8 records Videos Online: –Chinese Culture and Tradition Lectures: 100 pieces –PKU Lectures: 23 pieces –Century Lecture Hall-TV programs (authorized): 82 pieces
PKU E-thesis –Metadata: (17317 online) records –Full text: Born digital: 3652 (2608 online, 1044 not authorized) records Scanned: 4037, pages (300 dpi, not authorized) Hot Topics –44 topics, common topics and topics with special focus on PKU –7153 records
Rare Materials: Ancient and Rare Books (古籍) –1681copies , pages Rubbings (拓片) –3248 pieces Ancient Maps (舆图) –453 boxes (函), 6413 pieces (幅)
E-Reserves: CALIS project Planned titles - titles 3000 titles digitized in PKUL Metadata & Local Course/teacher info. Founder’s DESI software –Metadata edit –Full text (ceb format) Copyright: Founder Co. Publishers
Million Books Project China-US Cooperation Project Totally 1 million books to digitize No. of titles done in PKUL: –English: 59 copies , pgs –Chinese Ancient books: scanned 780 copies, planned 1567 Most 600 dpi, a few 300 dpi PS7000 Scanner and AV/A3 Scanner : pages/day/scanner
4.Current Digitization Projects and Production Lines 4.1 Digitization Projects on-going: Ancient Materials E-Reserves E-Thesis Million Books Old Periodicals in the future
4.2 Digitization Production Lines: Two production lines, 11 persons hired Line One: Phase One Digital Scanning System Large Images such as: –Rubbings –Ancient Books –Ancient Maps – 1 person
Line Two: Original Bks and Pes –one million –e-reserves –printed thesis
5. Organization & Integration of Digital Collection & Information 5.1 Access to Rare Materials –Peking University Ancient and Rare Materials Database
Contents : –Ancient Books: metadata records A few images (11 pieces zhentu) –Rubbings: + metadata records (9000 + online, others waiting for verification) 3000 + images –Ancient Maps (Yutu): Done end of this semester: –metadata editor –links to 6413 images
Metadata Editor : –For Ancient Bk, Rubbing and Yutu Separately now –“Union” metadata editor planned OPAC : –Searching: Simple, Advanced, Union Searching for both Anct. Bk & Rubbings –Indexing: by special features of Ancient BKs and Rubbing –Browsing: Different User Access Levels: –Guest: simple metadata, small image –Reading Room User: detailed metadata, large image –Librarian: –Super:
GIS application : –applied only for rubbing now –has separate access, but with dual links from and to the OPAC –Create 11 maps dated from dynasty such as Wuzhou, Ming, Yuan and the current time –Data: harvest from the metadata editor
GIS Interface
Select Map and Area
5.2 Integrated Access to Commercial Databases and other online data sets –Single Search Platform (beta stage)
47 Databases Configured –XML, OLAP, OAI, Z39.50, etc. –opac, licensed online reference databases and publications and web resources Select and Search 20 databases the same time –Chinese, English separated –Single database results display –Single database authentication Mys personalized services
The End