Contextual data in admissions: is it right to use it; is it wrong not to? FACE Conference 2 July 2009 Dan Shaffer, Senior Project Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

Contextual data in admissions: is it right to use it; is it wrong not to? FACE Conference 2 July 2009 Dan Shaffer, Senior Project Officer

What is SPA?  Set up in 2006 following the Schwartz Report Fair Admissions to Higher Education: Recommendations for Good Practice 2004: “ The Group recommends the creation of a central source of expertise and advice on admissions issues. Its purpose would be to act as a resource for institutions who wish to maintain and enhance excellence in admissions. Such a centre could lead the continuing development of fair admissions, evaluating and commissioning research, and spreading best practice.”  UK’s independent and objective voice on HE admissions  Identify, promote and share examples of good practice

What is “fair” HE admissions? Schwartz recommended 5 principles for fair admissions: transparent 2.enable institutions to select students who are able to complete the course as judged by their achievements and their potential 3.strive to use assessment methods that are reliable and valid to minimise barriers to applicants professional in every respect and underpinned by appropriate institutional structures and processes “Equal opportunity for all individuals, regardless of background, to gain admission to a course suited to their ability and aspirations.”

Contextual data – the debate Extract from a reject/feedback letter from a 1994 group institution from Times on-line, 04/04/2009  Every year we have around 20 applicants for each of the small number of places, nearly all of which are from applicants who have, or are predicted, AAA at A-level (or equivalent). We also look very closely at GCSE grades, personal statements and references.  In order to guarantee fairness we take into account the educational context within which previous qualifications have been achieved... using a mathematical formula, to recognise applicants who perform very well at GCSE despite attending a school where average performance is weak.

Contextual data – the issues  96% of respondents to the first Schwartz consultation (and 98% to the second) said it was important for HEIs to have students from a wide range of backgrounds  HEIs need to  differentiate between highly qualified applicants who meet or exceed the entry requirements (particularly for high demand courses and particularly in light of government caps on home student numbers)  identify those who will need additional support to succeed once accepted.  collect data to demonstrate their student mix and to show how intakes benchmark against government WP targets  Equality Bill and other legislation guarding against discrimination  Government support for increased use of contextual data

Contextual data – the issues  National Council for Educational Excellence (NCEE)  set up in England by Prime Minister  HE Strand Implementation Plan issued by DIUS, Feb 2009 – work led by Steve Smith’s (VC at Exeter) Ambassadors Group.  Seven recommendations to be implemented  Recommendation 6: ‘HEIs should continue to use, and where possible expand the range of, all the information available to them to identify the best students with the greatest potential and ability to reach the highest academic achievement.’  SPA paper to NCEE Ambassadors Group 21 May 2009

Contextual data – considerations data for decision making (offer) purposes data for monitoring or diagnostic purposes sensitive or personal dataaggregate data validated dataunvalidated/self-reported data applicant submitted datainstitution sought data individual holistic assessmentassociative holistic assessment (based on correlation within groups) to meet institutional mission for a diverse student mix to meet government WP targets To identify potentialTo identify ‘coaching’ or other advantage NB - contextual data is not the only information considered before a decision is made

SPAs draft principles on contextual data 1. The use of contextual data within a course’s entry criteria must be  evidence based and justifiable to ensure HEIs adhere to good practice  relevant to the admissions decision making process  valid and reliable (much of the data via UCAS is self declared)  used to provide fairness and equality of opportunity to all applicants applying to a course using such data at an HEI  transparent to applicants and their advisors in terms of what contextual data is used, if any how it will be used and when it is used communicated to applicants in a clear and timely manner via Entry Profiles, WP activities, HE websites etc.

SPAs draft principles on contextual data2 2.Regular monitoring of the use of the data and related audit trails should be an integral part of the admissions process 3.Admissions staff using contextual data in decision making should be aware of the issues surrounding contextual data and be trained in how to interpret and use the data. 4.Appropriate transition and in-session learner support should be provided to ensure potential continues to be developed on the course If HEIs use contextual data, transparency benefits the applicants and their advisors as well as the HEI. This should be addressed and communicated by the HE sector in a more robust way.

Contextual data – what next?  Some HEIs already using contextual data in decision making and others considering doing so following NCEE recommendations  Growing diversification of practice as individual HEIs adopt own measures  SPA draft principles on contextual data to be finalised following final consultations with key stakeholders  Your views on these principles useful in shaping national guidance

What are your views on the use of contextual data? Thank you call