If you weren’t here Friday, get out your buff binder to be checked. BELL WORK: Copy the question below and write your answer. You have 3 minutes after the bell What is the name for the monomer and the polymer of Carbohydrate? What about lipid? If you weren’t here Friday, get out your buff binder to be checked.
Add the monomers and polymers to your foldable
Glue your protein nutrition facts label on page 30
Grades are up to date on the board as of today! Wednesday is the cutoff day for this six weeks grades!
Essential Question: Why are proteins so important? Yes, Cornell notes! Set up the next page in your journal… Page: 31 Date: 9-28-15 Title: Proteins Essential Question: Why are proteins so important? Yes, Cornell notes!
Glue the picture in the top left corner of your notes. Before we begin… Glue the picture in the top left corner of your notes. Under the picture, write AMINO ACID.
Proteins….here we go! Structure discovery: How would you describe the structure (shape) of this biomolecule? What elements are present? How is it different from carbohydrates & lipids?
Structure: have a variety of different shapes contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen (CHON) contain an “R-group”
R-group is like an ID card each R-group has a charge that attracts or repels other R-groups this causes each protein to fold and twist in very unique ways
Function: determine your traits build muscle & bone skin color, eye color, hair color, even body odor can be based on your body’s proteins! build muscle & bone contain 4 calories per gram fewer bonds = less energy speed up chemical reactions in the body help fight disease
Examples: enzymes end in –ase (amylase, lactase) antibodies hormones collagen meat eggs
What do we call the pieces of a protein? Monomer = amino acid There are 20 amino acids, each with a different R-group. Amino acids form peptide bonds to make… Polymer = polypeptide
At the bottom of your notes, copy and answer the question below: Burning Questions… At the bottom of your notes, copy and answer the question below: Why does the meat on a slice of bacon cook faster than the fat? Use the words protein, lipid, bond, & energy in your answers!
Foldable Time!!! At the bottom of the Monomer box, write the monomer of a protein. At the bottom of the Polymer box, write the polymer of a protein. Draw an arrow from the monomer to the polymer. On the INSIDE of the Protein door, write THREE functions and FOUR examples. On the FRONT of the Protein door, draw an amino acid molecule. Be sure to label the R-group!
Alka-Seltzer Lab See how long an Alka-Seltzer tablet takes to completely dissolve in 100 mL of room temperature water. Write out your procedure. Include a list of materials needed. With your group, figure out a way to make the tablet dissolve faster. You may only change ONE VARIABLE! I will provide beakers, water, a heat source, and Alka-Seltzer. Any other materials are YOUR responsibility! Possible changes include: liquid it’s placed in amount of water temperature of water size