Is overpopulation a big deal? o Yes, because we exceeded our carrying capacity by 6 million people. o We use up more resources than we should. o We don’t have enough room for this many people.
There are so many people around the world
Our population is steadily increasing.
This is just a little bit of the trash that we leave behind.
All the trash left behind from us hurts all of our ecosystems.
Every day that our population goes up our resources go down.
Every year 74million new people join our population. Every day thousands of babies are born. By 2025 our population is estimated to be 10 billion people in the world.
If everyone had the One Child Policy this would help sustain our population.
Baby's weigh on our resources
Fossil fuels Fossil fuels take thousands of years to make so they go away faster than they come back. 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. Powers many types of transportation. Also used for stoves,furnances, and other products. If we do not slow down on the use of fossil fuels we might just run out of them.
Fossil fuels The extraction of fossil fuels hurts us tremendously. Some areas have become more prone to earthquakes due to excavation of those areas in search of fuels. We need to invent other products that do not need fossil fuels to run. This will help with over use on fossil fuels.
Ways to help reduce the use of fossil fuels. Solar power Electric cars Recycle all of your products Catch a ride with someone else some times.
Forty percent of planets land is devoted to human food production. Fifty percent of the planets land mass has been transformed for human use.
If everyone would use birth control and condoms properly it would help slow down our population.
Animal overpopulation also is a big deal.
Humans use more energy than they need to.
Few facts Global carbon dioxide emissions have quadrupled since 1950, from excavating and burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gas causes global warming and disruption in weather patterns.
This is what our earth will look like if we do not slow down on our population
Works Cited “Does population growth pose threats to humanity environmental science essay.” “Does population growth threaten humanity.” “Human Population Crisis.”