GPS ELA4W2c. Creates an organizing structure. PLO Students will create a graphic organizer that will assist in creating a diamante poem.
A diamante poem is shaped like a diamond with seven lines Line 1: one word (subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7) Line 2: two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 Line 3: three words (action verbs
Line 4: four words (nouns) first 2 words relate to line 1 last 2 words relate to line 7 Line 5: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 7 Line 6: two words (adjectives) that describe line 7 Line 7: one word ( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)
In this stage begin to organize your ideas to write. Using a graphic organizer as an aide is quite helpful. It will help organize ideas and assist brainstorming.
Subject:_____________________ Synonyms/ Antonyms Subjects/ Nouns Action Words Adjectives Erika Faulkner, Valdosta State University, ECED 4300 A, Fall 09, Dr. Root
Luckas. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2009, from Pizzazz! Diamante Petry: amantes.html am
Man-Woman #1 by Lukacs (male) Man Brilliant, perfect Working, learning, earning Beer, car, mirror, make-up Speaking, speaking, speaking Furious, exhausted Woman
Using class collaboration, students and teacher, will complete a graphic organizer together.
Students will create their own graphic organizers for a diamante poem.
GPS: ELA4W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: Students will complete draft of a diamante poem on the subjects of vacation and school.
A diamante poem has 7 lines and is shaped like a diamond. Line 1: one word (subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7) Line 2: two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 Line 3: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1
Line 4: four words (nouns) first 2 words relate to line 1 last 2 words relate to line 7 Line 5: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 7 Line 6: two words (adjectives) that describe line 7 Line 7: one word ( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)
In each section of your prewriting graphic organizer you will need to decide which words you want to use in your diamante poem. Look at the words on your prewriting graphic organizer and put them into the appropriate locations in the diamante poetry organizer.
Name _________________________ Topic Two adjectives Four nouns Three Action Verbs Two Adjectives One Antonym Latrice Allen, Valdosta State University, ECED 4300 A, Fall 09, Dr. Root Three Action Verbs
Tellinni, R. (n.d.). Pizzaz! Diamante Poetry. Retrieved October 25, 2009, from amantes.html am
Take your Time... by Rosana Tellini Vacation Happy, fun Sleeping, dancing, traveling Liberty, car, beach, night Exciting, interesting, moving Unhappy, boring Work
Using the shared writing technique, the students will complete a draft of a diamante poem.
The students will complete a diamante poem draft using their graphic organizers.