Background Problems Consequences Responses Conclusion INTERNET ADDICTION Background Problems Consequences Responses Conclusion
Background Wide availability Improving download speed Increasingly mobile Rapidly developing technology Improving graphics Development of MMORPG Many millions use the internet But ………
Problems Arising from access to pornography, gambling, shopping Social media Gaming World of Warcraft Up to 10% users meet criteria for ‘addiction’ At risk groups Gen D
Consequences Individuals playing 40+hrs/week Up to 30hrs/session Narrowing of repertoire Neglect: hygiene, diet, sleep, education, work, exercise, relationships, hobbies Physical and emotional health problems Family tensions
Responses Manage internet availability, e.g. S Korea Manage the symptoms, e.g. China Manage underlying issues, e.g. France Support from government Support from the industry Research (inc. longitudinal studies) Clarity: terminology, criteria, testing Evidence based treatment/outcomes
Conclusion Preventative measures Early identification of at risk groups Programmes of education for parents and children Programmes of training for professionals Treatment and rehabilitation options National telephone helpline
Criteria Salience Mood change Tolerance Withdrawal Conflict Relapse (Widyanto and Griffiths, 2007)