Reading Technique
stands for Take A Walk... Read the title. Carefully read the directions. Skim the passage. Scan the features for pictures or subtitles. Identify the genre.
Highlight the KEY words in the questions. stands for: Highlight the KEY words in the questions. What Are Key Words?
These words tell you what words are most important! Words of Emphasis Underline These words tell you what words are most important!
These words tell you where you will find your answers! Words of Location and Importance In paragraph 3 after before When the author says… next These words tell you where you will find your answers! If paragraphs or sections of text are mentioned in the questions, students should highlight the specific sections of text and code.
stands for Read the Selection. Access your schema, but focus on what’s in the text. Track your thinking. Attend to signal words. Slow down. Pay attention to the end of the selection.
otice your Key Words! Pay attention to highlighted pieces of the text and the answer choices. Use your notes to help you understand the passage and its purpose.
VOCABULARY Questions! Questions about specific words Types of Questions VOCABULARY Questions! Questions about specific words HINTS Read the entire sentence to infer the meaning. Read the sentence before and after to help you. Match parts of speech – nouns to nouns, verbs to verbs. Understand words like, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, etc… Eliminate definitions that you know do not fit the meaning, and choose the closest match.
Questions whose answers may be found in the text. Types of Questions LITERAL Questions! Questions whose answers may be found in the text. HINTS Skim and scan the text; match specific words in the question to words in the text. Find the section of text that refers specifically to the words in the question. Eliminate answers you know to be untrue. Scan several paragraphs and to notice events or steps in a sequence
SUMMARIZING AND SYNTHESIZING Types of Questions SUMMARIZING AND SYNTHESIZING Questions! Questions requiring identifying important ideas and putting information together. HINTS Use the Determining Importance strategy. Words or phrases like, “mostly about, mainly about” in questions require them to read for the gist. Distractor answers usually answer questions most interesting to the reader but are not the most important. Pay attention to the BIG idea! Screen out your personal opinions and stick to the info in the passage. Use the process of elimination!
INFERENTIAL Questions! Types of Questions INFERENTIAL Questions! Questions requiring reasoning from text information. HINTS Merge your thinking with text clues to effectively infer. Search for evidence in the text to support your answer. Use info in the text to support inferences about characters their feelings, and their behaviors. Do not overly rely on your schema! Determine the author’s purpose or message.
elect your best answer! Don’t over infer. Find clues in the text to support answer. Underline and label the proof that supports your answer choice. Watch for tricky answers. Eliminate answers you know to be incorrect or unreasonable. Recognize the difference between literal and inferential questions. Keep track of answers in relation to bubbles.
Using this strategy you should be able to find the correct answer every time!
NDERLINE THE KEY WORDS IN THE QUESTIONS AKE A WALK Read the title. Carefully read the directions. Skim the passage. Scan the features for pictures or subtitles. Identify the genre. NDERLINE THE KEY WORDS IN THE QUESTIONS Highlight the KEY words in the questions. Words of Emphasis tell us which words are most important. Words of Location or Importance tell us which portions of the text are most important. EAD THE SELECTION. Access your schema, but focus on what’s in the text. Track your thinking. Attend to signal words. Slow down. Pay attention to the end of the selection. OTICE KEY WORDS. Pay attention to highlighted pieces of the text and the answer choices. Use your notes to help you understand the passage and its purpose. ELECT YOUR BEST ANSWER. Don’t over infer. Find clues in the text to support answer. Underline and label the proof that supports your answer choice. Watch for tricky answers. Eliminate answers you know to be incorrect or unreasonable. Recognize the difference between literal and inferential questions. Keep track of answers in relation to bubbles.