AGENDA: Mini-Lesson on Men in Print Advertising Mini-Lesson on Men and Women Featured Together in Print Advertising Mini-Lesson on Cortese’s Themes H/W: Extra Credit Opportunity! BRING TO CLASS AN EXAMPLE OF ANY ONE OF THE CONCEPTS OF GENDER TREATMENT WE DISCUSS IN CLASS TODAY – CLEARLY LABEL IT. 10 th Grade English Tuesday 11 Feb. 2014
Learning Targets 1. I can define “feminine touch.” 2. I can find one example of “feminine touch” in an advertisement in a magazine. 3. I can define “heroine chic.” 4. I can find one example of “heroine chic” in an advertisement in a magazine.
Gender Treatment in Advertising With regard to treatment of MEN he found: 1. Normal faces – with wrinkles, with pores (i.e. Marlboro Man) 2. Fully clothed 3. Stable positions with both feet on the ground.
Gender Treatment in Advertising When advertisements featured men and women together, he found: 1. The woman is attending to the man (subservient) 2. Woman in back of the man (subordinate) 3. Pampering a man (subservient) 4. Being held by a man (controlled)
Gender Treatment in Advertising 5. Enclosed or trapped by a man (controlled). 6. Multiple women with one man. 7. Man’s hands controlling the movement of a woman’s body.
Pause and Find Work with a partner looking through your magazine. Find a powerful example of one of Jensen’s findings in regards to men or men and women featured together. Label which finding the advertisement exemplifies. Be prepared to share your finding and example advertisement with the class.
Gender Treatment in Advertising From the book by Anthony Cortese – The Provacateur – 1999 Themes 1. Body chopping – featured women’s body parts. Women as brainless, not linked to a mind “What’s important is only between the neck and the knees.” 2. Function Ranking – Men= active, in charge, purposeful Women = passive, less active “Men are more important.”
Gender Treatment in Advertising Themes 3. Licensed withdrawal – females are space cadets, ditzy, disoriented, psychologically withdrawn “Females need a man to take care of them.” 4. Body clowning – females are shown jumping around, skipping, in funny or awkward positions, making fools of themselves, silly – males are shown as confident, strong, powerful, standing or sitting squarely, looking dignified, even in their underwear “Women can’t be taken seriously.”
Gender Treatment in Advertising Themes 5. Subordination – women are shown in deferential positions, lying down, placed lower than men, head tilted, bending, or leaning on men – men are shown tall, upright, alert, stable “Women are subordinate to men.” 6. Feminine Touch/Masculine grip women are delicately holding/caressing product men have a firm, controlling grip, manipulating object, strong show of force “Men have power and control over objects and people; women don’t.”
Gender Treatment in Advertising At Your Table Groups: 1. Review Cortese’s themes. 2. Choose a few magazines. 3. In the magazines, look for examples of Cortese’s themes in the advertisements. 3. Place a post-it on 4-5 advertisements. 4. Clearly label the “theme” that your picture exemplifies. 5. Be prepared to share with the class.