β decay of 69 Kr and 73 Sr and the rp process Bertram Blank CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Motivation 69 Kr – rp-Process Drip-Line Nucleus 69 Br Measurement of the 69 Br ground state. Constraints on the 68 Se rp-process “waiting point”. 73 Sr – rp-Process Drip-Line Nucleus 73 Rb Measurement of the 73 Rb ground state. Constraints on the 72 Kr rp-process “waiting point”.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Br and the rp process The rapid proton, or rp process, is thought to mainly occur during Type I X-ray bursts (timescale of ~ s). Burst properties and nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei is significantly influenced by “waiting-point” nuclei. T 1/2 ( 68 Se)=35.5s and 69 Br is proton unbound. How strongly can the 68 Se waiting point be bypassed via 2p captures? 2p-capture rate depends exponentially on S p. ⇒ Need spectroscopy beyond the drip line. A. Rogers, ANL
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Previous measurements Non-observation: Upper limit on the 69 Br lifetime estimated from 78 Kr fragmentation cross sections T 1/2 <100 ns S p < -450 keV (Blank et al., 1995) T 1/2 <24 ns S p < -500 keV (Pfaff et al., 1996) Indirect: High-precision penning trap mass measurements of 68 Se and 69 Se + CDE (Coulomb Displacement Energy) S p = keV (Brown et al., 2002; Schury et al., 2007; Savory et al., 2009) Direct: Kinematic reconstruction of the 69 Br proton decay S p = keV (A.M. Rogers et al., 2011) P. Schury et. al A. M. Rogers et al.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Populating 69 Br via 69 Kr β decay Method: Populate the 69 Br g.s. in the β decay of 69 Kr and look at β-p correlations Monoenergetic protons. Clean and selective technique. Problem: Decay to the Isobaric Analog State is favored over the g.s. -- X.J. Xu et al. Phys. Rev C 55, R533 (1997) However, a few percent of the decay flux may go to the g.s.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Setup Fragmentation of 78 Kr primary beam. E=70 MeV/A Intensity ~ 3-4 eμA. Utilized the LISE3 spectrometer with an Al (100μm) degrader and a Wien filter. CSS1 CSS2 LISE3 DSSSD MCP EXOGAM Clovers Implant-decay experiment using β-p and β- γ event tagging. ToF from RF and MCP's. Si detector for energy loss of heavy ions. Heavy ions are implanted into a 16x16 strip DSSD (3 mm pitch, 500 μm thick). γ 's are measured using four germanium clover detectors. ΔE E ToF LISE Target: nat Ni 200 mg/cm 2 CENBG, GANIL, ANL
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Identified Kr implantation events →87 69 Kr/day. Clean PID based on redundant identification parameters. Fragmentation of 78 Kr primary beam. E=70 MeV/A Intensity ~ 3-4 eμA. Utilized the LISE3 spectrometer with an Al (100μm) degrader and the Wien filter. Setup
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Measurements of known half-lives Known T 1/2 ( 62 Ga) = (23) ms. Negligible additional decay components. Known T 1/2 ( 67 Se) = 136 (12) ms So far there is good agreement with most easily measured half-lives.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Se β decay preliminary results Batchelder et al (Phys. Rev. C 47, ) identified a single proton group at 3.55 (0.03) MeV. We also observe a proton peak at an energy of 3.51 MeV.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Kr β decay preliminary results
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Kr β decay preliminary results Half-life previously measured by X.J. Xu et al, Phys. Rev. C R533, 1997 of T 1/2 =32 (10) ms. Also claimed to observe a single proton group at 4.07 (0.05) MeV. X. J. Xu et al, Phys. Rev. C 533, 1997
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Kr β decay proton spectrum Half-life previously measured by X.J. Xu et al, Phys. Rev. C R533, 1997 of T 1/2 =32 (10) ms. Also claimed to observe a single proton group at 4.07 (0.05) MeV. We observe proton decays to excited states. However, IAS is observed at E=2.97 MeV. We do not observe 69 Br ground- state proton decays.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Kr β decay preliminary results Half-life previously measured by X.J. Xu et al, Phys. Rev. C R533, 1997 of T 1/2 =32 (10) ms. Also claimed to observe a single proton group at 4.07 (0.05) MeV. We observe proton decays to excited states. However, IAS is observed at E=2.97 MeV. We do not observe 69 Br ground- state proton decays.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Level Scheme
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January Kr 73 Sr 73 Rb 72 Kr 69 Br 68 Se Measurement aims: Study of decay of 73 Sr to 73 Rb and 72 Kr Study of decay of 69 Kr to 69 Br and 68 Se Known Properties: 73 Sr decay: - Proton line at 3.75(4) MeV assumed to be IAS (Batchelder et al., PRC48 (1993) 2593) 73 Rb: - half-life T 1/2 < 30ns (Janas et al., PRL82 (1999) 295)
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Production: 92 Mo fragmentation at the FRS at 500 MeV/u, 4g/cm2, 9 Be target, 5e9pps expected rates: 73 Sr: 250 per day 69 Kr: 200 per day in same setting 5-7 days experiment Factor of 5 more statistics than at GANIL for 69 Kr First data for 73 Sr decay (beyond IAS) setup: DSSSD setup Gamma-ray detection B. Fernandez-Dominguez et al.
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011
Bertram BlankPRESPEC meeting, Brighton, January 2011 Correlation method For any given implant there are uncorrelated decay events that follow implantation. One of the events will be a true correlation while the others are false/uncorrelated. SPATIAL CORRELATION: Requirement that the implant and decay occurs in the same DSSD pixel. TIME CORRELATION: Requirement that the decay occurs within an adjustable time correlation window. False correlations add to a randomly distributed continuous background.