ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Réglementation Thermique “Thermal Regulation” The New French RT 2000
ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Introduction June2, % to - 40%, with summer comfort Performance-based approach Three requirements –Energy consumption < Reference –Summer temperature –Minimal performance of some components
ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Challenges Environmental –1/4 of gas emissions –More and more severe every 5 years –To optimise products for retrofitting Social: cost mastering Economics : European standards
ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Tools Calculation softwares: ThC, ThE –“free” softwares –air conditioning: models to come by 2 years Technical solutions
ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Expected Changes Flexibility and optimistaion, but “garde- fous” such as minimum insulation Tertiary: tremoundous evolutions of technical solutions Thermal bridges: technical solutions to be proposed Air tightness: objective: strict application of execution rules
ENERBUILD Steering CommitteBOURDEAU Luc (CSTB) Low emissivity glazings … argon Energy sources flexibility: flue tubes in electric houses Roof and wall higher insulation Hygro-variable ventilation in electric houses No “permanent flame” in gas boilers Lower thermal bridges in collective buildings Expected Changes