Junior Comprehensive Chuna Bremsstrahlung Interactions that occur after Beta Minus Decay
Vocabulary Introduction Probability Equation Understanding The Equation
Probability Distribution Equation Introduction Probability Equation Understanding the Equation P r o b a b il i t y Energy
Probability Equation Understanding the Equation Formatting Equation
Note: Specifics Energy (keV) End-point energy (keV) Intensity (%) Dose ( MeV/Bq-s ) % 6 7.1E % E-4 % 5 1.6E-5 16 Beta-: Understanding Equation Formatting Equation
Note : Specifics Formatting Equation Normalizing the Equation
Normalization Formatting Equation Normalizing Equation Probability Distribution
Normalizing the Equation Probability Distribution Expected Photon Energy Probability Distribution of Photon Energy ProbabilityProbability Energy of Emitted Photon (keV) Mathematica
Expected Photon Energy Probability Distribution Expected Photon Energy Application to Experiment
Transmission/Attenuation Photons’ have 0% transmission rate photons’ have >0% transmission rate All the energy given off by Bremsstrahlung interactions trapped inside the crystal. If no other energy escapes due to particle interaction than detector measures all other initial energy Some photons escape with some of the electrons initial energy The detector measures less than initial energy Expected Photon Energy Application to Experiment F Transmission
keV - Average Energy of Photon given off due to Bremsstrahlung interaction RESULTS: Attenuation [%]: Transmission [%]: – Likelihood of photon escaping the medium Interaction Probability [%]: Photo absorption: Compton Scattering: Rayleigh Scattering: Nuclear Field Pair Production: Electron Field Pair Production: Application to Experiment F Transmission G Transmission
keV - Average Energy of Photon given off due to Bremsstrahlung interaction RESULTS: Attenuation [%]: Transmission [%]: Likelihood of photon escaping the medium Interaction Probability [%]: Photo absorption: Compton Scattering: Rayleigh Scattering: Nuclear Field Pair Production: Electron Field Pair Production: F Transmission G Transmission H Transmission
G Transmission H Transmission Results H Transmission keV - Average Energy of Photon given off due to Bremsstrahlung interaction RESULTS: Attenuation [%]: Transmission [%]: Likelihood of photon escaping the medium Interaction Probability [%]: Photo absorption: Compton Scattering: Rayleigh Scattering: Nuclear Field Pair Production: Electron Field Pair Production:
“Observed” Beta Spectrum 1” NaI Crystal100” NaI Crystal H Attenuation Results Understanding Results CountsCounts Energy (MeV)
Results Understanding Results Bibliography Calculated Efficiency Ratio 1” NaI Crystal100” NaI Crystal RatioRatio Energy (MeV)
Bibliography web_programs/x_ray_absorption/index.php – used to develop general understanding and look up coefficient values. H Attenuation Understanding Results Bibliography