Predictive Index® Overview Recruitment Retention for Recruitment Retention Presented by Heather Jangraw Management Consultant, ADVISA Predictive Index is a registered trademark of PI Worldwide.
Copyright ADVISA 2011 AGENDA 1) Introduction to ADVISA. 2) What is the Predictive Index system? 3) Job Fit 4) Individual motivation and performance 5) PI & Teamwork 6) Your PI results -Brief overview of the drives, motivating needs and resulting behaviors. 7) Questions Pretzels Inc - May 17th, 2011
Copyright ADVISA 2011 With the Predictive Index system, DWSD has an effective framework for acquiring, developing and retaining talent. ADVISA is a PI Worldwide member firm. Predictive Index, PI Worldwide, and PI are trademarks of PI Worldwide in the United States and other countries. Any use without the express written consent of PI Worldwide is strictly prohibited. For a complete listing of PI Worldwide trademarks, please refer to the “Legal Notices” section of Pretzels Inc - May 17th, 2011
What is the Predictive Index® system?
Predictive Index® Supports Smart Hiring Strategic Thinking Objective Data Best Practices What does strategic thinking mean to you? What does strategic mean? End in mind, plan, prioritize Best practices will be looking to the HR community and also to you- sharing what you’ve found. The objective data, which is the component that gives us a pretty big leg up- is PI. We’ll be leveraging these three components across the four stages of a hiring process.
Predictive Index® in the Hiring Process Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding
An unclear or inaccurate understanding of a position Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding An unclear or inaccurate understanding of a position = building a house on sand. We tend to find that many of our clients build their search on a foundation of sand. When we talk with clients about doing great hiring, they’re often surprised to hear us put so much weight on the pre-search work of defining a position. However, we know that when a position is not clearly defined (or inaccurately defined) the likelihood of finding the right candidates, making a great hire and having that new hire be successful are severely limited. By investing time upfront ensuring that the purpose, expectations and requirements for a position are clear, accurate, and agreed upon by the key stakeholders ensures that there is a solid foundation moving forward. Not one built of sand.
PRO: Selecting Behaviors Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding PRO: Selecting Behaviors “Is it CRITCIAL for success in the role?” “Must one do this FREQUENTLY (3+ times/ week)?” “Must THIS person do that, or does someone else?” Do the behaviors they’re selecting fit with the likely key characteristics? What can be prompting questions?
Objective snapshot of the behavioral requirements for success in the Service Desk Analyst role.
PRO: Translating into Behavioral Competencies Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding PRO: Translating into Behavioral Competencies A B Position: Service Desk Analyst C D Drives The PRO Behavioral Competencies (Why is this drive important for this position?) A B C D A&B A&D Independently problems solves and takes initiative to “direct traffic,” and move issues through to resolution.. High Analyzes multiple technical data points to diagnose root cause and resourcefully help customers . Low Don’t go into big explanation about this job!!!! Just high level!!! Highly responsive, provides consistent support even during busy times.. Mid - H High Attention to detail with conscientious, accurate follow-through. Technical Communication is task and data focused. Specialist Minimizes errors in data collection and input
The Screening Funnel Share the job description Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding The Screening Funnel Share the job description While there’s no crystal ball to ensure that all candidates you interview are wonderful, getting as much information as is reasonable through other means and early in the process can help ensure that you spend the time-consuming activities like interviews on the best people. But even when you do all you can on the front end to get the best people in the door, there are times that you have to be okay with looking at those that aren’t the perfect fit. Conduct background check Make the offer
Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding Candidate’s Fit to PRO
Use the Behavioral Interviewing Guide: Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding Use the Behavioral Interviewing Guide: With the PRO complete, you can now enter complete the approach to work portion of the PP and the position competencies. Any questions?
Components of Onboarding Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding Components of Onboarding Learning Use the PI to understand how the new hire will best Learn Coaching Use the PI to improve the efficacy of your coaching Let’s start by looking at the job posting. Better Initial Performance
How can we best coach our New Hire? Defining Marketing Screening Onboarding How can we best coach our New Hire? The Job The Person A new hire’s PI can give direction on how they’ll best learn. Think about the individual with the self PI profile at the top in the Outside Sales role. With the high social-orientation, having him or her learn a lot through windshield time with other sales people will likely be especially helpful for him or her. However, if you hired the person at the bottom in the sales rep role, this person has distinctly less social-focus (as seen in the low B). Windshield time will likely be less effective than workbook time. Appeal to that highest A and high D and get out the data, facts, and strategy. DISCUSSION How will each learn best?
Use the Coaching Guide:
Individual Motivation and Performance Copyright ADVISA 2011 Individual Motivation and Performance Individual motivation and performance (The PI survey for providing insight to managers and leaders as to how to unleash people’s best efforts and keep them engaged. Show the circle graphic of the applications of PI. Pretzels Inc - May 17th, 2011
What Predictive Index® Measures: : PI measures inherent motivating needs present in all people. People behave in ways that meet their needs. When people’s needs are met productivity and performance soar.)
Predictive Index® and Teamwork talk about understanding dynamics on teams allows for effective communication and work allocation
Your Results
Motivating Needs LOW HIGH A B C D Think time Recognition for technical/intellectual accomplishments Freedom from office politics Variety Change of pace Mobility Fast-forward button Freedom from rigid rules & tight controls Freedom of expression Opportunity to delegate details Independence, challenge, freedom Recognition for own ideas Control of own activities/work Talk time, social interaction, FUN Public, personal, positive praise Social acceptance/recognition Symbols of prestige, status Long-term affiliation Stable work environment Familiar surroundings/people/work A process Clear expectations Certainty – know exactly what the rules are Specific knowledge of job and performance feedback Freedom from risk of error Encouragement, reassurance Harmony (rather than friction) Understanding supervision A B C D LOW HIGH Brief overview of ABCD, motivating needs and resulting behaviors
Likely Behaviors A The drive to dominate and control B Factor Low HIGH A The drive to dominate and control Agreeable Cooperative, unselfish Seeks harmony Risk averse Team player Independent Assertive Self-confident Competitive Results-oriented B The drive to connect positively w/ others Reserved Task oriented Analytical Imaginative Thinks to talk Outgoing Persuasive Empathetic Socially poised Talks to think C The drive for process and stability Impatient Intense Sense of urgency Restless Focuses on what’s hottest Patient Calm, warm Consistent, process-oriented Comfortable with the familiar FIFO prioritization D The drive for certainty and accuracy Tolerant of risk/uncertainty Freely delegates details Uninhibited, casual Non-conforming Gives/needs less information Prefers to minimize risk Attentive to details Conscientious, by the book Self-disciplined, precise Gives/needs more information
Copyright ADVISA 2011 With the Predictive Index® system, DWSD has an effective framework for acquiring, developing and retaining talent. questions Pretzels Inc - May 17th, 2011