Welcome to Miss Martinez Algebra Class!
Topics to Be Covered Classroom Management Theory Beginning of the year Classroom Procedures Classroom Materials Classroom Rules and Behavior/Discipline Plan, other Summary References
Classroom Management Theory For a teacher to be an effective teacher: Pro-active (Prepare) Organized Knowledge
Beginning of the School Welcoming Letter to parents and students 1st week: Name game: Name Chain, Name Triangle Procedures Rules Other Classroom subjects/expectations
Classroom Seating
Group Work Seating
Arrival To Class Procedure Classroom Procedures Arrival To Class Procedure Enter quietly in the class Grab the worksheet(s) from the class table and any materials that will be needed for any specific activity. Get all your materials ready for class before the bell rings. Turn in your homework in the “Homework basket” that is on the shelf next to the door. If you were absent, check the absent basket and look for your class period. Grab the worksheets with your name on it. Sit quietly and remain on your desk before the bell rings or you will be counted as tardy. Begin working on the warm-up on the board. Tardy Procedure Enter quietly to class without disrupting. Go to the Tardy Clipboard and fill out your information. Place your excuse slip in the “Excuse box” that is next to the clipboard. Get the handout(s) (if any) from the classroom table. If it is individual work time follow the arrival to class procedures. If Miss Martinez is teaching. Sit quietly on your desk, take notes, and follow along Miss. Martinez and the class. When it is time for individual work, you can follow the Getting out of your seat procedure and the Arrival to class procedures.
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Individual Work Time Procedure: Work silently on your desk Work on your own. If you need assistance, place your red card on your desk, raise your hand and wait until I come to you. If I am helping somebody, please remain silent in your desk and wait patiently until I come to you. If you are finish, follow the Turn in your work procedure. Getting Out of Your Seat Procedure: You will be allowed to get out of your desk when it is individual work time or when it is time for group work. Raise your hand Wait to get permission from Miss Martinez to get out of your desk. Do what you need to do out of your seat quietly without disrupting others.
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Getting the Class Attention Procedure: Listen for Miss Martinez to say “Give me five” and for a bell ring (Posted on the room) Follow the Give me five Procedure: 1)Eyes on the speaker 2) Be quiet 3) Be still (freeze) 4) Be Hands free (put objects down) 5) Listen *Adopted by Cindy Wong’s “Give Me Five 3. Wait for further instructions. Restroom Procedure: The whole class will agree on the amount of restroom times each will have for every grading period. No one will be allow to leave the classroom while Miss Martinez is teaching. Follow the Getting out of your Seat procedure Give Miss Martinez your green restroom pass to sign. Get out of the class quietly without disrupting the class. When finished, enter the classroom quietly Go to your desk Continue working on your assignment silently If you do not go to the restroom during the grading period, you can turn it in to the “Turn in” Basket for one of the class privileges. Pass
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Turn In Your work Procedure: When you are finish with your assignment(s), follow these steps. Follow the Getting Out of Your Seat procedure. Turn in your work at the “Turn in” box that is on the shelf next to the door, accordingly to your class period. After turning in your work, you can have individual work time to work on your homework, missing work, and other classes assignments at your desk silently. Instructional Time Procedure: When Miss Martinez is going to teach, do the following: Have paper ready to take notes Focus on the lesson Listen carefully to and follow directions Make an honest effort to understand Ask sensible questions at an appropriate time. *Adopted by Hallmark of an effective classroom
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Turning Back Papers Procedure: I will be passing back papers during individual work time. I may ask for one of you to help me pass back out papers (except any quizzes or test). Stay in your seat and work on your assignment quietly, while Miss Martinez or a student passes out papers. Do not discuss your grades during individual work time If you have any questions or concerns about your grades, raise your hand Wait until I call you. Continue working on your assignment while you wait. If you see a note on your graded paper that says to see me: raise your hand to see me or see me after class. Dismissal Procedure: When it is almost time to go: Listen to Miss Martinez to say “Give me five” and a bell ring Follow the Give me Five Procedure. Wait for Miss Martinez to give instruction Clean up the classroom Put all materials, desk, where they were before. Go back to your seat and remain quietly until Miss Martinez dismisses you. The bell will not dismiss you. If you do not remain quiet on your desk, you will be asked to stay after class.
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Visitor in Classroom Procedure: -If a visitor comes during individual work: Continue working silently on your desk. -If a visitor comes when Miss Martinez is teaching: Listen to Miss Martinez to say “Give me five” and for a bell ring Follow the Give me Five Procedure. Wait for Miss Martinez to give instruction Work silently on what Miss Martinez tells you to do on your desk. When there is a Substitute Procedure: If for whatever reason I am not in class and if there is a substitute, follow these following procedures: Follow all the classroom rules and procedures. Respect the substitute teacher. Follow all the directions from the substitute. Be on your assign seats. When you are done with your assignment(s), follow the turn in your work procedure You have individual work time to work on any other assignments from class or any other assignments from other classes quietly.
Cont. to Classroom Procedures Group Work Procedure: Group members will be rotated every month or whenever I change group members. Every student will be assign different duties for different activities If you are asked for help in your group, help them. If the whole group needs help/assistant, agree on the same question. Clean after you are done. When you are finish, follow the Turn in your work procedure Grading your binder procedure: Everyone will be needing a Binder for this class. When it is time for me to grade your binder, follow these procedures: Be sure to have all of your worksheets, notes, homework, quizzes, and tests in order and organized by date. Check your missing work. Look at my example of binder if you need any help. Turn in your binder by the end of the class on the shelf next to the door, under your class period.
Classroom Materials These are the following materials I want from you to bring: A 2in. three ring binder Dividers (5 of them) Paper to take notes Pencils Erasers
Classroom Rules Treat others the way you want them to treat you. Be prepare with all your class materials before the bell rings. Raise your hand and wait to get permission to talk. Follow all directions and instruction from Miss Martinez No electronics on your desk, no gum, no food, etc. only water.
Consequences When a class disruption occurs by a student, the student will have one or more of the following Be reminded of the classroom rules. Warning We will talk about the behavior out of class, and we will try to find a solution for a better choice of behavior. Call and or email to parents Detention Sent to principal office. If behavior continues or gets worse, the student will be removed from class.
Privileges Every time a student is showing good behavior in class, has good class participation, one tardy or less in the grading period, has completed all homework and classwork, has a 75 or an above grade, or no detention, will have one or more of the following: Positive notes sent home. Special privileges (e.g. late homework pass, extra restroom time, etc). Drop lowest daily/quiz grade For any 68, 69, and similar grades, will receive no more than 2 points on their grading period grade. Up to three homework late passes per grading period. Late Homework Pass!
Tutorials I will be available in the morning at 7:15am, after school at most until 4:30pm from Monday to Thursday’s. If you are not able to come during those time, make an appointment with me. Tutorials are available for any of the following students: Any student who needs help If you have a 65 or a below grade, tutorials are mandatory. Make test corrections Take a test if you were absent Make up work
Parent Conferences I will be having a meeting with every parent during back to school night and by the end of every grading period if it’s possible. I will send an email or call every parent with the available days and time. I will remind them by email or phone one week before the conference day and a day before. We will discuss students’ progress in class, grades, problems (if there is any), solutions, goals, and more.
Equivalent Description Grading Grades are students’ feedback of their achievements and progress in the class course. Grades will be according the district/school grading system. Students report card will be send my email and mail. Before the grading period ends, I will assure to have conferences with the student’s parent on the students who are struggling, to have a better improvement on their achievement in class. *Spring Branch ISD Grading Scale Number Letter Equivalent Description 90 – 100 A Excellent Progress 80 – 89 B Good Progress 75 – 79 C Average Progress 70 – 74 D Pool Progress Below 70 F Failure I Incomplete NG No Grade – No credit due to late enrollment or scheduling conflicts.
References "How to Have Students Follow Classroom Procedures." Classroom Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Graybosch, Megan. "Classroom Management Plan." EDEL 300 Classroom Management Plan. Megan Graybosch, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013 Spring Branch ISD. "SBISD Expectations for the Grading and Reporting of Student Progress in Secondary Schools." Spring Branch ISD. SBISD, 2013 - 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.