John Steinbeck BY: Simon Tran, Sarah Stanley, Molly Spiller, Rachel Fleener
Biographical Info Born: February 27 th, 1902 at Salinas, California Father: John Steinbeck Sr. Mother: Olive Hamilton Steinbeck Grandfather: Johann Adolf GroBteinbeck (later changed to Steinbeck)
More Biographical Info Graduated from Salinas High School Attended Stanford University until 1925 when he dropped out Moved to New York City to start a writing career Died December 20, 1968 John Steinbeck in his latter years
Novels by John Steinbeck Tortilla Flat (1935; film, 1942) In Dubious Battle (1936) Of Mice And Men (1937; films, 1939, 1999) The Red Pony (1937; film, 1949) The Grapes Of Wrath (1939,Pulitzer Prize; film, 1940) The Moon Is Down (1942; film, 1943) Cannery Row (1945; film, 1982) The Pearl (1947; film, 1948) The Wayward Bus (1947; film, 1957) Burning Bright (1950) East of Eden (1952; film, 1955) The Winter of Our Discontent (1961) Travels with Charley (1962)
Major Themes and Motifs in John Steinbeck’s stories -references California’s beauty -agriculture and farming -lack of wealth -death -traveling together
His place in [U.S.] literature is secure. And it lives on in the works of innumerable writers who learned from him how to present the forgotten man unforgettably.” -Charles Poore a writer for the new york times A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us. John Steinbeck
I hold that a writer who does not passionately believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature. John Steinbeck I know three things will never be believed - the true, theprobable, and the logical. John Steinbeck