Writing an Outstanding College Admissions Essay Make It Personal!
Your Primary Goals Make your essay stand out by making it unique Make your admissions officer want to meet you
Accomplishing the Goal… Do your research… Majors/programs Factors that draw you to campus Mascot/school colors Liberal or conservative Address how the experience/incident adds to your ability to succeed in college Stay away from controversial topics and avoid direct persuasion
Tell a Story Only YOU Can Tell Specific event that changed the way you think or allowed you to “walk in someone else’s shoes” One person who helped shape your character Specific challenge that demonstrates who you are, what you value and your character Answer the question/ prompt completely
Consider… Explain, expand or emphasize what you “look like” on paper EXPLAIN a low grade, weakness in a subject area or less challenging course choices EXPAND by filling in a “hole,” e.g. lack of community service or lack of leadership experiences EMPHASIZE an experience that points to your strengths, character or ability to adapt and learn
First Impressions You have 10 seconds to make a good impression so begin with a(n): Rhetorical question In medias res scenario…dramatic action Shocking statement Challenge of conventional wisdom Contrasts~ “There are two types of students…” Confession Lesson learned
Pearls of Wisdom Give yourself ample time to write and review Walk away and let it “ripen” Show maturity by applying past learning to the future ADD VOICE !!! Watch your tone: whiney, maudlin, accusatory or boastful If you don’t have fun writing the essay, your reader won’t have fun reading it
The Final Touches Read your essay out loud…does it sound right? Ask yourself “What does this essay prove?” “Does it communicate what I intended?” “Does this sound like me?” Proofread, then proofread again Ask an adult to read it and give you feedback
Avoid the Pitfalls Retelling the story of your education; remember they have your transcript in front of them “ The Trip” and how you grew A fluffy list of things to tell your reader you are a nice person The Miss America scenario- how you will work for world peace The Athlete and Jock scenario- how you learned to be a team member and how you handle defeat in a mature way
Previous Prompts “ Tell us about an experience that a transcript does not reflect: your passions and commitments, your hopes, a personal challenge, a hardship overcame or the cultural awareness you’ve gained.” ~ University of Washington
Previous Prompts “Select a creative work that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the impact the work has had on you.” ~ NYU
Recap Communicate your excitement and passion First impressions count: explain, expand and emphasize Allow plenty of time to write, re-write and proofreading Make the admissions officer want to meet you!
Ready, Set Go… “You are pure potential.” We believe in you! Here’s your chance to SHINE!
Gratitude and Questions Thank you to CHS teacher Linda Kimball for her guidance and generous contributions on this topic and presentation
Contact Information Leontina Liebe, School Counselor Office in 800 wing X