PROTEST – to express disagreement or disapproval Why protest? To demand CHANGE EXAMPLES The Jungle (Upton Sinclair) Bumper Stickers Attacks of 9/11 Assassinations Anti-abortion Protests *Individual and Group Protests *Peaceful and Militant Protests
Nonviolent-peaceful EXAMPLES Sit-ins-a form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met.Current EventCurrent Event Marches - occasion when you can express opposition by marching - March on WashingtonMarch on Washington Letters – Letter from Birmingham Jail – MLK Militant-using violence EXAMPLE Black Panthers - The Black Panthers believed that the non- violent campaign of MLK had failed and any promised changes would take too long to be implemented Original goal was to protect black neighborhoods from police brutality Militant, guns, etc. - VideoVideo Malcolm X