Indian Removal What is the most important thing ever taken away from you?
Five Civilized Tribes Cherokee sovereign nation in GA, own schools, newspaper, alphabet and Constitution Alphabet developed as was newspaper by Sequoya 1829 Gold discovered in GA, Miners and settlers trespassed Lrg #’s of Native Americans lived in East, AL, MS, GA, FL; Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw and Choctaw, established farming societies with strong economies Area west of Mississippi was dry, Great Plains called, “Great American Desert” not suitable for farming, Farmers wanted Gov’t to relocate Indians by force, decided on land west of Mississippi
Indian Removal Act Congress passed Indian Removal Act in 1830, allowed Fed Gov’t to pay Native Americans to move West Jackson sent agents to negotiate treaties, felt compelled to cooperate 1834 Congress created Indian Territory in OK Cherokee refused to give up their land, in treaties in 1790’s Cherokee recognized as separate from GA, W/ own laws, GA refused to recognize, took to supreme court in Worcester v. Georgia John Marshall ruled that GA had no right to interfere w/ Cherokee and only Fed Gov’t had authority over Jackson opposed said, “ Marshal has made his decision; now let him enforce it”
Trail of Tears and Resistance 1835 Fed Gov’t persuaded a few Cherokee to give up their land, most of 17,000 refused to honor treaty, wrote protest letters to gov’t and people of USA, Jackson not impressed 1838 Gen. Winfield Scott and 7,000 troops positioned troops so escape and resistance hopeless, Chiefs knew fighting would lead to destruction, leaders gave in and long march began, 1,000’s of Cherokee died because of weather, Called the Trail of Tears 1832 Sauk Chieftan, Black Hawk, led Sauk and Fax back to IL, state militia and Fed troops of 4,500 killed Indians as they tried to flee to Iowa Seminole of FL only tribe to successfully resist removal, Osceola refused to sign the treaties, and declare war on USA, 1835 joined by runaway African Slaves attacked settlements along their borders, 12/1835 defeated Maj. Francis Dade, only 110 escaped, by 1842, more than 1,500 troops had died to the Seminole, Gov’t gave up allowed Seminole to stay After 1842 given up 100 million acres, and received $68 million and 32 million acres