To Be Free This website is for all the 3 rd and 4 th children, on this website you can talk to real 3 rd children and you can join in the up coming rally that’s on April 30. This the new way of education for 3 rd children, you can learn about our country and how we should be living freely not hiding all our lives. search Chatting Dictatorship & DemocracyRights & Responsibility's Up Coming Events By Ashley Contact me at Contact If you have any questions, contact me at
Chatting Topic How can we get free? Ashlyn HI, maybe we could send letters to the Government and pretend that its our parents, so if the Government doesn’t like it we don’t get caught. Lyndin I agree but what about our parents? You said we wouldn’t get caught,but our parents might. Ashlyn I never that about that. Typing a messages… Chat with real 3 rd and 4 th children. Home
Rights and responsibilities We should have rights, we shouldn’t be hiding, we should be running outside and feeling the grass tickle our feet when we run. Don't you agree? And don’t you want education, to learn about our country? And I don’t want to have a fake ID I want an ID that says my real name, my real identity. We should have rights to be free. Think about our future, when we get older we want to be able to vote, protest and more things. If we go outside without an ID we will get shot! Home
Up coming Events SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Day of the rally February Home
Dictatorship & Democracy Dictatorship Living In a dictatorship is not the best. Why do we have to hide and not our older siblings? My dad told me that there was enough food for everyone and the Government is messing with us because he his selfish, and because the people aren't growing the food right. Democracy I know for a fact that all third and fourth children don’t want to live in a dictatorship, why cant we just live in a democracy? I wish the Government was one of us, so he could feel the pain that we feel. I just want to be free like my older sisters, and I want education, and I want to meet new people, don't you? To learn more about Democracy go to 4 pillars.4 pillars Home
4 Pillars Justice -Everyone is treated fairly -Our Government treats us with respect -We have fair laws Equity -Everyone has equal rights -Everyone has the same opportunities Freedoms -People have rights to speak as the wish -Everyone has rights to protest and vote -Have rights to think about their future Representation -Citizens can elect and if they want to -Every one can vote -we can elect a leader on our behalf of our country's safety Home