Communities- shared space, shared organisational structure and shared identity
What is a Community?
Population Use of Census to estimate population Indigenous English Settlement Federation Multiculturalism Post war saw an increase in population due to refugees from WWII Population measured by: 1.Natural Increase- number of deaths-numbers of births 2.Net overseas migration- total permanent migration of people to Australia – the total permanent leavers from Australia
Ethnic Composition First fleet migration Convict migration Gold rush migration WWII refugee migration Increase in ethnic make up of the population Currently- Asian and Pacific migration due to regional ties
Types of Migration Assisted migration Family migrants Business migrants Skilled migrants Student migrants Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Population Distribution Unevenly distributed 85% of Australia’s Population lives along the coast Australia’s population density is 2.6 people per square kilometre Population centered in urban areas (cities)
Age and Gender Patterns Ageing population due to lower death rates and longer life expectancy and a decline in fertility rates Government responses include baby bonuses, health and aged care facilities
Indigenous Communities Young population People distributed in remote areas Poor demographics education Issues include –, health and unemployment Reponses to these issue by- media, government funding, land rights and native title, NGO’s, individuals and individual communities