The objective Pass a $49 million bond After four failed attempts since 1994 Need a super-majority to pass (60%) Need to fill a projected capital funding gap
The fine print We have six weeks to pull it off
Why you are here! Times are tough Nobody likes taxes Every political issue seems polarizing today The “Way we have always done it” doesn’t work anymore
Are you ready for a campaign???
North Mason Demographics Approx. 20,000 population 50% free or reduced lunch 2,000 total students between four schools and alternate school Highly military dependent High retiree/snow-birds/vacation homes High commuter population
NM Bond History YES 64.96% Prior to that 1979 (60.3%) was the last bond approved NO Two attempts both 54% approval 2002-NO 34.93% approval 2006-NO 54.59% approval
The previous effort 2009: $54 million bond $1.77/1,000 Total tax rate of $4/1,000 Replace middle school, update high school, improvements to elementary schools Failed with 48% approval Resulted in a $3.2 million Capital Facilities Levy that ran the next election. Passed with 52%
This plan Build a new High School Renovate the current high school to become the middle school Transfer district administration to the old high school “annex” building Build a covered play area at one elementary school Relocate a play area at another elementary school Security upgrades
How to start
KISS = K eep I t S imple S illy Have a plan Identify the “shiny thing” Alter your message to your audience Be aware of emotion vs. facts
Who do you talk to?
How do you communicate?
Where Is Matt? Where Is Matt?
Phone a friend Craig Patti Michael Young