ESS-VIP ICT Project Work Package III Task Force Meeting, Luxembourg, 5 March 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

ESS-VIP ICT Project Work Package III Task Force Meeting, Luxembourg, 5 March 2013

ICT surveys process cycle

BPMN 2.0

Task 1: Documentation and analysis of production processes Organise another modelling workshop inside G6 for the BPA of the Enterprise and Household processes. The output of the workshop will be the 'As Is' state for the household process. On the basis of the outputs of and 2.1.3, make an in depth reflection on the 'To Be' state for the two processes taking into consideration all the principles described in the Vision (standardisation, services, data warehouses, etc.). The output of this step will be the target process architecture for the two surveys. Define the roadmap to be followed from the 'As Is' to the 'To Be' state. The roadmap will have to include realistic milestones and consider the contributions from the other ESS VIP projects as well as from the cross- cutting activities and the ESS NETs. Drafting of a final report for Task 1, describing the ICT experience and making recommendation for its extension to other statistical domains.

Task 2:Task 2: Logical data model and data exchange format Prepare a document containing all the necessary information to serve as a 'business case' for the cross-cutting project on Information models. After analysing the ICT business case, the cross-cutting project should come up with a proposal for the standardisation of the information model and of the data exchange format. On the basis of the recommendations of the cross-cutting project, prepare a roadmap for the implementation of the proposed solution during the next phases of the ICT project.

Task 3: Metadata and metadata Exchange format On the basis of the metadata requirements expressed in the context of the Household survey, carry out a study on the use of DDI for the metadata and metadata exchange of micro data. On the basis of the recommendations of the study, prepare a roadmap for the implementation of the proposed solution during the next phases of the ICT project.

Task 4: Data validation issues In depth analysis of the deliverables of VIP validation 1 and of the future deliverables and milestones of VIP validation 2. Analyse how the existing validation rules used for the ICT domain can be translated to the common language provided by VIP Validation 1. Define the characteristics of the future Validation service for the ICT domain to be provided as input for the ESS VIP Validation project. After analysing the ICT business case, the ESS VIP Validation project should come out with a proposal for the future validation service. On the basis of the recommendations of the validation project, prepare a roadmap for the implementation of the proposed solution during the next phases of the project

Task 5: Data quality issues Analysis of the quality reports provided in the context of the ICT surveys and compare their contents to the ESS standard for quality report and ESS Handbook on quality reports Draft a roadmap for the implementation of a solution conformant with the ESS standards on quality reporting

Task 6: Calculation of EU aggregates and indicators Description and analysis of all the calculations performed during the production of ICT statistics, including imputation. WP 1 and 2 will already test during the first phase, the feasibility of calculating some aggregates ‘on the fly’ in the pull wit Hub context. On the basis of the results of these tests and of the results of 2.6.1, alternative scenarios should be elaborated in order to come up with a work programme for the next phase of the project and consider the creation of a specific service in the context of SOA architecture.

Task 7: Statistical confidentiality Carry out a study on the impact of the new SOA architecture on the treatment of data confidentiality. This study should be carried out in close cooperation with other related activities (SIMSTAT, ESDEN). The issue of secondary confidentiality should also be tackled in this context.

Task 8: Treatment of data releases and embargos Carry out a study on the impact of the new SOA architecture on the treatment of data releases and embargos.

Task 9: Legal and contractual aspects Carry out a study on the legal aspects of the Hub approach in the context of SOA architecture. The establishment of ‘service level agreements’ should also be considered in this reflection.