Copy Right Laws and Rights
“Who owns what?” author owns the work Except when contracted under work-for-hire— employer owns the work Other ownership includes collaborative works
Rights as a Copy Owner The owner of the work has the right to do the following: to make copies distribute display and perform the work
Copy Right Management The work will be used Disclosure of work and purpose Proper citations Penalties: work without permission: 150,000. or more
Using Copy Right For Education The Teach Act passed in 2002 educators may use: images, films, movies or still life with out permission. However, must be limited amounts of information. Also, educational institutions must be accredited
Steps for accessing work Contact owner of work Copyright Clearance Center Copyright Licensing Agency
Websites for Copyright laws and Pictures (Gerbils) /01/plagiarism.jpg (Bart Simpson) /01/plagiarism.jpg /announce-copyright2.jpg (copy right for educators) /announce-copyright2.jpg content/copyright.jpg