Lucia Bernadas Ana Luisa Torres Karina Kikut 7A
Climate is meteorological elements in a given region over long periods of time. Some of the elements are: Temperature Humidity Atmospheric Pressure Wind Rainfall
Is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
It´s a change in the average weather conditions or a change in the distribution average, for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events.
The way the ocean and the atmosphere interact with each other. Changes in the Earth's orbit. Changes in energy received from the sun. ______ “ Causes of the climate change” [ andgreenerliving/Thewiderenvironment/Cli matechange/DG_072920] Wednesday October 20, 2010.
Energy revolution, using more solar and wind energy. Protection for our forests, so they can continue to clean our atmosphere. A switch to natural freezers, so keeping our food cool doesn't heat the planet. Responsible companies who offer climate solutions, and advocate for good environmental laws. _______ “Stop Climate Change” [ al/en/campaigns/climate-change/] Wednesday October 20, 2010.
It’s increasing the temperature on Earth’s surface. Cause The quantity of CO2 and other gasses emitted to the atmosphere. Effect The poles melt away.