ENERGY STAR ® SALES ASSOCIATE TRAINING Room Air Cleaners (Updated: September 2010)
2 What is ENERGY STAR? ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program that helps consumers identify energy-efficient products. ENERGY STAR qualified products: Save energy Save money Save the environment
3 About ENERGY STAR The ENERGY STAR mark ranks among the highest level of influence on product purchase among all consumer emblems, similar in ranking to the Good Housekeeping Seal.
4 In 2009 alone, Americans—with the help of ENERGY STAR—saved $17 billion on their energy bills and prevented greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 30 million vehicles. Consumer awareness and desire for efficiency savings is high In 2009, more than 75% of households nationwide recognized the ENERGY STAR label Of households that purchased ENERGY STAR products in the past year: –80% of them reported the label as influential to their purchasing decision –More than 90% of them reported they are likely to recommend ENERGY STAR products to friends ENERGY STAR Sales Value Source : 1) EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Climate Protection Partnerships Division. National Awareness of ENERGY STAR for 2009: Analysis of 2009 CEE Household Survey. U.S. EPA, ) ENERGY STAR Overview of 2009 Achievements. March 2010.
ENERGY STAR Qualified Room Air Cleaners Overview ENERGY STAR The government-backed program dedicated to helping consumers save money and protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. Look for the ENERGY STAR label on qualified room air cleaners. ENERGY STAR qualified room air cleaners: Are 40% more efficient than standard models. Save consumers $35 annually on their utility bills* Remove fine particles from indoor air, such as pollen or dust Help prevent climate change by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning fossil fuels at power plants d 5 Source : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program *Savings will vary depending upon room air cleaner usage.
ENERGY STAR Qualified Room Air Cleaners Criteria A room air cleaner is a portable, electric, cord-connected appliance that removes fine particle matter from the air. Room air cleaners that have earned the ENERGY STAR are 40% percent more energy efficient than standard models, saving customers about 340 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year. Meeting the ENERGY STAR Criteria Qualified models must meet the minimum CADR/Watt ratio, which measures the amount of contaminant-free air delivered by the room air cleaner Models offering secondary features such as clocks and remote controls must meet energy efficiency requirements for operating those features in standby mode 6 Source : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program
7 Room air cleaners that have earned the ENERGY STAR save consumers about 340 kWh/year and $35 annually on utility bills. These savings could add up to more than $330 over the life of the air cleaner! For most Americans, this could mean savings of more than $60 over the lifetime of the unit* ENERGY STAR qualified products use less energy and cost less to operate resulting in: Saving Energy = Saving Money Source : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program *Savings will vary depending on climate and A/C usage.
8 Saving Energy Helps Protect the Environment Did you know? A typical room air cleaner, operating continuously, uses approximately 800 kWh per year in electricity—this is about 60% more than the power used by a new refrigerator! Since 2004, air cleaners that have earned the ENERGY STAR have saved nearly 2 billion kWh and prevented about 3 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions Source : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program
9 Trusted brands like these… Blueair, Inc. Friedrich Air-Conditioning Company Sharp Electronics The Holmes Group Whirlpool Corporation [Customize as appropriate] ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaner Brands
10 Find Rebates in Your Area Database for Incentives & Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME) Help your customers save even more Visit to find: – Appliance rebates in your area – Incentive amounts, start and end dates – Name, location, and contact information of rebate sponsors Retailers and manufacturers can also: – Connect to local energy efficiency program sponsors (e.g., utilities) – Find joint ENERGY STAR promotional and marketing opportunities – Promote your program! Contact your ENERGY STAR partner account rep or Disclaimer : EPA and DOE do not provide financial incentives for promoting or purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified products. This tool is provided as a courtesy to share information with partners on the financial incentives available from utilities and other energy-efficiency program sponsors. Please direct your questions and comments about these incentives to the requesting organization or sponsor.
ENERGY STAR as Your Sales Partner Create Business Value Differentiation – Arm your staff with knowledge – Provide your customers products of choice Grow your customer base – Attract and retain customers – Help your customers save money and watch them keep coming back Create Social Value Reducing energy use helps decelerate climate change by preventing greenhouse gas emissions Lower energy bills for your customers Boost your brand’s environmental image 11 Partner with ENERGY STAR and increase sales and customer loyalty by providing energy savings and environmental benefits.
12 A user-friendly and easily navigable micro-site containing training tools for partners. Users can navigate throughout four main categories to find training resources relevant to them: products, campaigns, utilities/energy efficiency program sponsors, and buildings/plants. Benefits: EASY: Access to all ENERGY STAR training materials and resources on your own. ACCURATE: The most current training materials to share with your sales associates for increasing the sale of ENERGY STAR qualified products and services. RELEVANT: A location for collaboration and idea exchange with other partners. To LEARN MORE, visit the ENERGY STAR Training Center page at:
13 Questions For questions about ENERGY STAR qualified room air cleaners: Write to Call (888) STAR-YES For additional information about room air cleaners including: Qualified products lists Special offers Savings calculators Visit: