Bio Jumpstart: Jackie read that Aloe vera promoted healing of burned tissue. She decided to investigate the effect of varying amounts of aloe vera and regeneration of planaria. She bisected the planaria to obtain 10 parts (5 heads and 5 tails) for each experimental group. She applied concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Aloe vera to the groups. Fifteen ml of Aloe vera solutions were applied. All planaria were maintained in a growth chamber with identical food, temperature, and humidity. On day 15, Jackie observed the regeneration of the planaria parts and categorized developed as full, partial, or none. Highlight the following: Hypothesis Independent Variable Dependent Constants Variable
Learning Targets LT-5 Identify the hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, constants and controls of an experiment. LT-18 Collect, organize and analyze data accurately and precisely through the creation of graphs and charts, correctly identifying the X and Y axes, assigning correct scale, titles and appropriate use of SI units for length, mass, temperature area, etc…
Making Science Graphs and Interpreting Data
Scientific Graphs
Bio JumpStart: Chloe wanted to find out if the color of a food would affect how quickly kindergarten children would eat it for lunch. She believed that brightly colored food would be eaten more quickly because of the urgency of the color. She put food coloring into 4 identical serving bowls filled with mashed potatoes. A 5 th identical bowl received only plain natural mashed potatoes. The colors were natural white, red, blue, green, and yellow. Each child was given a scoop of potatoes. Chloe did this experiment using 50 kindergarten students. 10 students were given each of the colors. She recorded the start and finish time of each student eating the potatoes and then calculated the difference in seconds. She did this over 5 days with each student getting each color. Multiple data takers (Chloe’s friends) made this experiment possible. Identify: Hypothesis Independent Variable Dependent Variable Constants Control
How to Construct a Line Graph 1.Identify the variables a.Independent variable X – axis (horizontal) First column of a data table b.Dependent variable Y – axis (vertical) Second column of a data table 2.Determine the scale of the Graph Find the range of your data and divide by the number of squares you have on the graph. largest # smallest #Example 200 – 0 = 10 Number of grid squares 20
How to Construct a Line Graph 3. Number and Label Each Axis Label each axis with appropriate units. 4. Plot the Data Points Plot each data value on the graph with a dot. 5.Draw the Graph – Best Fit Line 6.Title the Graph Clearly tell what the graph is about. If your graph has more than one set of data, provide a key to identify the different lines.
Graphs Title: The Effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable Independent Variable – include units and an appropriate scale DependentVariable – include units and anappropriate scale Y X
Graphing Practice Problem #1a Time (seconds)Distance (meters) A.Graph the data. B.What does the graph represent? C.What are the independent and dependent variables?
Predicting Data on a Graph Extrapolate: extending the graph, along the same slope, above or below measured data. Interpolate: predicting data between two measured points on the graph.
Graphing Practice Problem #1b A. What type of motion does this graph represent? B. Put the data from this graph into a table. C. Extrapolate the distance at 10 seconds. Distance vs Time
Directly Proportional and Inversely Proportional Graphs X independent variable Y dependent variable Directly Proportional X independent variable Y dependent variable Inversely Proportional
What’s missing?
Amount of calcium chloride (scoops) Average Temp. change ( o C)..... THE EFFECT OF ADDING VARIOUS AMOUNTS OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE ON THE TEMPERATURE OF WATER 17 What’s Wrong?
What’s missing?