The ocean is divided into zones with their own combination of challenges and resources
Add neritic and hadal zones
What are the challenges of living in the intertidal zone?
ChallengeOrganismRelative adaptation
The tide comes in Mont Saint Michel Normandy, France Population: 44 Visitors per year: 3 million
The tide goes out arctic tide
Higher high tides + lower low tides = greater tidal range
Higher low tides + lower high tides = smaller tidal range
Review the tide calendars of Narragansett Bay and come up with 5 pieces of information
An amphidromic point is a no tide point in the ocean. A tide wave crest comes into an ocean basin (a). The coriollis effect causes it to veer right (b). It cannot continue right because of interference by the land so it heads north © then westward (d)
True tidal waves: tidal borestidal bores
Long narrowing waterway Bay of Fundy
Bay of Fundy: Largest Tidal Range 17 meters (53-55 ft.) tidal resonancetidal resonance resulting from a coincidence of timing: the time it takes a large wave to go from the mouth of the bay to the inner shore and back is practically the same as the time from one high tide to the next. time lapse
Tlingit story Tlingit: People of the Tides
Grunions need spring tides grunions