Term 2 inquiry project Mme Kitching
What do you think? What are they selling? Who is the intended audience? Why use celebrities? Would this ad influence you to buy Adidas?
We are going to make a class wall using “padlet” The link is on Twitter & at mme.kitching.weebly.com, be sure to find the one for your class- let me know when you found it! What do you think the purpose of the ad was?
Find an ad for a brand you like on YouTube Please find the document on the Media Literacy Page called: Key Concepts of Media LiteracyKey Concepts of Media Literacy
Show me your Ad- 1 volunteer Read the section: “All Media are Constructions” What message is the Ad proposing? How well does this represent reality? How is the message is constructed?
Read the section: “The Media Contain Belief & Value Messages” What lifestyles, values & points of views are represented in this text? Who or what is omitted?
Read the section: “Each Person Interprets Messages Differently” What meaning do you get from the Ad? How might others understand it differently? Why? Race, disability, religion, sexuality, gender
Read the section: The Media Have Special Interests (Commercial, Ideological, and political) Who created this commercial & why? Who benefits if this message is accepted? Who may be disadvantaged?
Read the section: Each Medium Has it’s own language, Style, Form, Techniques, conventions, & Aesthetics What techniques are used & why? How effective are the techniques in supporting the messages or themes in the ad?
Student groups of 4-ish- Mme Kitching will use “Team Shake” to create groups Students will use OneNote web App collaboratively collect data & research(similar powerpoint task) *share with teacher too Choose 1 one-minute commercial In OneNote create 5 tabs for each Key Concept of media literacy # tag your name to each research contribution you make- you must contribute to each tab once
Decide how your group will share your knowledge with the class? Ideas: Website, Powtoons, Animoto, Powerpoint, Prezi, Movie Maker, Radio Ad, or other- discuss with teacher Voice Over’s Encouraged! (minimize text on screen) Share your work on your portfolio weebly