The Airborne Internet Collaboration and Working Group at the Digital Aviation Systems Conference October 16, 2003 by Ralph Yost Innovations Research Division, ACB-100 William J. Hughes Technical Center ….Airplanes …As a Network…. Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS)
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 2 A Key to the “Transportation System after Next” The Small Aircraft Transportation System is a safe travel alternative, freeing people and products from transportation system delays, by creating access to more communities in less time.
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 3 Airborne Internet is an “Enabling Technology” for SATS, Analyses Laboratory Evaluations Simulation Experiments Flight Experiments Integrated Flight Demonstrations Airborne Enabling Technologies Technology Integration And Flight Experiments Downselect …a disruptive innovation for aviation… …but not necessarily tied to SATS.
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 4 What IS this thing? AIRBORNE INTERNET What IS this thing? (and what it is NOT) A private, secure and reliable peer-to-peer aircraft communications network that uses the same technologies as the commercial Internet. A general purpose, multi-application data channel for transportation * It is NOT the World Wide Web ! *
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 5 What Is a Disruptive Innovation?
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 6 The Cycle of Revolutionary Advances in (Disruptive) Technology R&T Development & Evaluation Phase Initial Acceptance Phase Transition development International endorsement Deployment PhaseSystem Maturity Phase System Development System Deployment Maturation Revolution Idea is proposed, briefed, funding sought Proof of Concept Airborne Internet Development Evolution 20XX Airborne Internet has potential for significant impact in aviation Airborne Internet
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt Relative Market Growth Cars Displace Trains Propliners Displace Cars Jetliners Displace Props Small Aircraft Transportation System Model T Assembly Line Jet Transports First VORs VDL, ACR DC-3 GPS GAP Engines Disruptive Innovations in Higher Speed, Longer Daily Range Travel Information Connectivity and Information Connectivity 33 years AirborneInternet Information Connectivity is now being applied to personal mobility
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 8 Traditional Systems Deployment Consider the traditional method of deploying new systems in civil aviation… The FAA is currently beginning to provide ATC information (TIS) to GA aircraft…….it has long recognized the desire of GA to obtain real time weather information (FIS).
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 9 FAA’s Planned East Coast Broadcast Services Functional Architecture Control Facility (WJHTC) Airborne Configuration ADS-B TIS-B FIS-B Surveillance Systems FIS Sources UAT Tx/Rx Sensor Sites FIS-B Ground Stations Ground Broadcast Server(s) ADS-B TIS-B UATMFD ADS-B FIS Flight Following (Limited) Target Reports Target Reports Surveillance Processing
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 10 FAA’s Planned East Coast Broadcast Services Functional Architecture 1.Great initial start that recognizes that GA aircraft need traffic information also 2.An entirely new network of ground transmitters must be installed 3.This new network only applies to GA 4.Yet ANOTHER radio must be installed in the aircraft ! 5.Applies only to low altitude flight <18,000’) 6.What about high altitude GA aircraft?
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 11 Radio Frequency (RF) Coverage 25 Ground Stations Mean Sea LevelAbove Ground Level
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 12 UAT Deployment vs. A.I. If Airborne Internet were deployed today, there would be no need for 1.The new network of ground based transmitters 2.The additional radio in the aircraft 3.The recurring costs associated with the ground stations and additional avionics 4.The dual system for GA (UAT) and commercial (1090Mhz squitter)
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 13 Result of the Current (and traditional) Method of Deploying New Systems in Aviation (The FAA Tech Center’s BE200 N35 R&D Aircraft Flight Deck)
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 14 The Cockpit of the future…….? NASA SATS aircraft interior conceptual drawing ….digital systems will require DIGITAL CONNECTIVITY !
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 15 ….or Cockpit of Today ! Eclipse 500 interior from
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 16 Aviation Information of the Future
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 17 Aviation Information of the Future …..and eventually, pilots will be able to extract data using VOICE….on the Airborne Internet. Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) allows a user to interact with the Internet through voice-recognition technology by using a voice browser W3C (the WWW Consortium) is currently writing version 2.0 of VoiceXML standard Editors are from PipeBeach, Nuance Communications, Speechworks International, Lucent, Motorola, IBM, and Tellme Networks
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 18 Radar dependant airspace. Radars are installed as airspace traffic density increases (e.g. NE U.S.) Current System:Technology: -Analog technology foundation -Dual function transponder -Line of sight -Provide aircraft altitude, range, ID code -Extensive processing can provide flight trend prediction Goal -Flight coverage is geographic dependant - Low altitude gaps -Many GA airports not covered A.I. Application Example: Surveillance Radar Augmentation Outside of radar coverage ATC has no positive knowledge of A/C position, altitude, etc. - Use checkpoint reporting A/C tracking depends on secondary surveillance radar Transponders in A/C reply to ground interrogations from surveillance radars. ATC has positive knowledge of A/C position, altitude, etc. Limitations: B B
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 19 Comparison - Radar & ADS-B
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 20 The History of Secondary Surveillance Radar Technology British Develop radar for air defense (preWWII) CAA deploys ASR-1 FY 1950 System Maturity Phase Early Deployment System Refinement Mode S ATCRBS Early Develop. SecondarySurveillance Life Cycle DABS/ADSEL 20XX First ASR antenna at Smithsonian ARTS, 1975 Monopulse SSR ATCBI-6 DATALINK
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 21 Consider… “Most People’s Vision of the Future is a More Efficient Past” Glen Hiemstra
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 22 A Possible Solution? Network Aircraft as we do Computers Graphic courtesy of CNS Inc.
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 23 KEY REQUIREMENTS: -GPS position - Connection to Network - Mobile Routing Current aviation voice comm is VHF - Continue to use VHF but add Satellite - Use BOTH (hybrid radio) to maintain mobile connectivity to a network - Provides equipment and frequency diversity - Report GPS/WAAS position data continually to network
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 24 Flight Tracking (DATA CONNECTIVITY!) at All Altitudes GND Transition Airspace High Altitude Sector En Route Low Altitude Sector Provides potential ATC participation to ALL aircraft - Other uses of real data connectivity - Coverage: Ground up - Includes Gulf of Mexico, Oceanic, entire continental U.S. Graphic courtesy of CNS Inc.
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 25 Initial Airborne Internet Demo (Task 1) Graphic courtesy of CNS Inc.
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 26 What is Mode SATS ? Based upon Self-Organizing VHF Data Link using GFSK modulation (peer-to peer technique). Builds upon the core ICAO navigation-surveillance standards for VHF datalink. Allows aircraft-to-aircraft switching (ad hoc networks) for AI communications. Single channel data burst rate is 19.2 Kbps. – Significant data throughput improvements through wide-band or multichannel techniques. Frequency tuning range: – Today MHz – Researching higher frequency usage
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 27 Initial Airborne Internet Demo (Task 1)
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 28 Accomplished Functionality AIRBORNE INTERNET DEMO (Task 1) Accomplished Functionality - Aircraft-to-aircraft Communications & Situational awareness (ADS-B) - Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) - External Internet for Flight Information Services (FIS-B) -Text messaging chat sessions - - VHF Digital Link Mode SATS (Self-organizing) - Peer-to-peer activity between two or more air nodes - Interoperability between applications residing on different platforms
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 29 Review of Initial Work (Task 1) AIRBORNE INTERNET Review of Initial Work (Task 1) Airborne Internet Requirements Definition - SATS Operational Concepts - AI Requirements Document - Candidate AI Architecture Define the communications system requirements: 1. Operational Concepts and Services 2. Entity/Functional Architecture 3. Information Exchange (data flow) Requirements 4. Communication Performance Requirements 5. Traffic Loading Models NAS Infrastructure Assessment Analysis Build an AI Demonstration / test bed system
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 30 NASA TGIR Award Winner AIRBORNE INTERNET NASA TGIR Award Winner Winner of NASA’s Turning Goals Into Reality Award for Mobility Award presented June 11, 2003
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 31 AIRBORNE INTERNET Next Steps….How to Advance? Provided demonstrations and briefings over a 6 months period to key decision makers in FAA, NASA, DoD, industry Requested FAA Tech Center funding for R&D Sought sponsorship in FAA HQ Sought sponsorship in NASA Lightly explored DoD sponsorship Conducted a spectrum study to look for ideal home for A.I. Purchased A.I. demo equipment for NASA at LARC
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 32 AIRBORNE INTERNET Move the effort OUTSIDE of the FAA Create an external “pull” on the FAA Recognize that industry has a more powerful voice in influencing the FAA than its own technical experts do ! Explore partnerships!
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 33 AIRBORNE INTERNET Create the Demand and Sponsorship Create an Industry sponsored consortium to advance A.I. Attracts industry funding Gov’t can contribute
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 34 The Airborne Internet Working Group AIRBORNE INTERNET The Airborne Internet Working Group The AIWG is a public-private collaboration group formed to further the vision of creating and implementing an Airborne Internet data channel for aviation Five meetings held thus far Includes Microsoft, Boeing-ATM, Aerosat, NASA, FAA, ARINC, SITA, VA SATSLAB, Ohio Univ., and others Positive progress towards the creation of the Airborne Internet Consortium (public-private partnership) Developed an A.I. Work Plan ($30 Million)
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 35 Airborne Internet Follow on Research -Establish Airborne Internet lab/operational system at FAA William J Hughes Tech Center - Use VDL Mode-3 NEXCOM radios - Use VDL Mode-2 radios (??? CPDLC 1A is canceled) - Explore mixed mode operations (VDL-2,3,4 mixed) - Use hybrid radio (VHF/SAT) - Explore 5Ghz C-Band solution (MLS band) - Establish A.I. Architecture as independent of radio used
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 36 Airborne Internet More Follow on Research - Add VoiceXML capability -Continue to progress with the Airborne Internet Working Group - Testing of VHF channels (possible combining of 25Khz channels to improve VDL3 bandwidth and data throughput) - Explore the possibility of using UHF spectrum (ie military partnership!) -Explore a multi-band approach - Ensure that all layers of the communications stack are thoroughly studied
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 37 Potential Benefits -Using NEXCOM, A.I. data channel could be in all aircraft (i.e. no additional equipment required) -Provide ATC coverage to aircraft using non-radar covered airports (No ground equipment required at airport) - Surveillance augmentation includes Gulf of Mexico and Oceanic - ATC Flight following to more GA aircraft - Data transfer and applications available to commercial and GA -Spectrum/cost efficient: many functions over a single frequency (Minimizes the number of systems in aircraft and on the ground) - Digitized Voice/Voice over IP
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 38 Summary AIRBORNE INTERNET Summary A.I. is a general purpose, multi-application data channel for transportation A.I. is a private, secure and reliable peer-to-peer aircraft communications network that uses the same technologies as the commercial Internet A.I. can increase aviation safety by providing ATC services to aircraft not otherwise able to receive them A.I. can increase aviation safety by providing ATC services to aircraft over Gulf of Mex. and Oceanic A.I. can reduce systems costs for user and provider (and create revenue) by running multiple applications over a common data channel
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 39 OK……....So Let’s GO!
AIBriefOct16,2003.ppt 40 For more information: Ralph Yost Innovations Research Division, ACB-100 William J Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City Airport, NJ (609)