Norwegian trade, investment and partnership Moscow 01 November 2010
Foto: Hurtigruten Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise - NHO Main organisation for Norwegian employers member companies from industry, service and crafts industries Employing a total of people Network of sectoral federation Main organisation for Norwegian employers member companies from industry, service and crafts industries Employing a total of people The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)
SEA FOOD Fishing, fish farming, fishing boats, equipment PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES Oil and gas companies, offshore industry, offshore service, shipping, petrochemical industries. MARITIME INDUSTRIES Shipyards, ship’s gear, offshore, shipping services, maritime R&D Competitive Norwegian industrial clusters HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER Equipment, power generation power distribution, metallurgical industries FOREST INDUSTRIES Saw mills, wood products, chemical wood pulp, paper industry, packing special products
NHO in Russia Support good framework conditions for trade and investments … also for Russian investments in Norway Work with government and business organisations State visits Presidential Programme 4
Norwegian-Russian trade: Raw materials based Imports (Mln Euros)Exports (Mln Euros) 5Source: Statistics Norway
But, investments are more diverse Telenor – Vimpelcom (33,6 %) Statoil – Shtokman (24 %), with Gazprom and Total Orkla – Krupskaya confectionary (SPb) Yara, leading fertilizer producer Wenaas gruppen, hotels Kverneland, agricultural machinery The government pension fund: Portfolio investments appx. 2.5 bln. Euros in 57 Russian companies. Gazprom (673 mln. Euro) Lukoil (364 mln. Euro) Rosneft, Sberbank, M-video, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Aeroflot, … 6
Russia – can be a challenge The Telenor case Import ban on fish WTO is a key 7
… but also full of opportunities Impressive education level – knowledge based industries Abundancy of raw materials – gas field development Neighbour effect – high on the political agenda Renewables and green tech could be the next 8