Restricted Pharmacological Substances By Kelsey, Holly, Jillian, Mark and Tyler
Restricted Pharmacological Substances Prohibited substances by the International Olympic Committee Examples are Alcohol, Marijuana, Local Anaesthetics, Corticosteroids, Beta blockers
Alcohol It is detrimental to most sport performances. Low doses have sedative effects Increased doses have confusion, less reactive and poor coordination. Detected with blood and breath tests. Theo Fleury was caught drinking alcohol and was forced to retire in 2003.
Marijuana Derived from hemp. Affect psychomotor function. Unlikely to enhance performance. Controlled and regulated in most sports. Micheal Phelps was caught using marijuana and was suspended from the USA swim team for 3 months and also had his face removed from kellogs cereal.
Local Anaesthics Local Anaesthics blocks pain and changes the body’s natural pain threshold. It may be permitted but must be medically justified by the IOC or the sports federation. Local Anaesthics may result in injury.
Corticosteriods Opens airways, increase training ability and mask injuries. Normally used as an inflammatory for asthma. IOC must receive written notification if used. Restricted to topical, inhalation and injection
Beta Blockers Enhances athletes whose sports require steady action by moderating the nervous systems response to stress/arousal. Affects cardiac output and muscle blood flow. Also lowers blood pressure and causes sleep disturbances.
Physiological Aids Methods and techniques used by athletes Banned by the IOC and other sports-governing bodies
Blood doping Giving athletes blood, red blood cells and related blood products to raise the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity, and as a result enhances aerobic athletic performance. Athletes use their own or others blood. About 2 units of blood are removed from an athlete and stored for 6-8 weeks
Then it is reinfused into the athlete 1-7 days before the competition or event. Result of the infusion include improved cardiorespiratory endurance. This means that the blood can carry more oxygen, cardiac output is increased, lactate levels are decreased and sweating responses are improved.
Blood doping is banned by the IOC(International Olympic Committee). The hemoglobin levels only rise slightly after blood doping which makes it difficult to detect. Lasse Viren was the only man to win the 5,000m and 10,000m races in the Olympic games was accused of using blood doping because his performances in non-Olympic games were worse than his performances in the Olympics. Eric Lamaze was a horse show jumper and was banned for 4 years after using blood doping on his horse.
Drug Masking Drug masking means trying to cover up the detection of all drug testing Some examples include swapping urine samples or using drugs to mask or reduce presence of banned substances These include agents that dilute the concentration of banned drugs in their blood stream.