Near East Side Strategy process & Commercial buildings subcommittee recommendations October 12, 2011
The study area…
Birds eye view of the study area…
Study area boundary map
Planning Commission resolution (Nov. 2010): Focus on commercial-industrial property, development, and the employment base Direction from Council Ward office: Focus the charge on specific, implementable, economic development action steps –A strategy document that includes a block-by-block assessment of key business needs as well as a block-by- block assessment of real estate development opportunities (including vacant building rehabilitation/re- occupancy and possible new development projects) Task Force Charge
Dayton's Bluff Community Council (District 4) Payne-Phalen District Five Planning Council Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation Historic Saint Paul Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) Metropolitan State University Representatives of a local business association (Dayton’s Bluff Area Business Association) CLUES Hmong American Partnership Commercial property owners and/or business owners (owner of Hamm Brewery sites, the St. Paul Port Authority, and others) Developer of the historic core of the Beacon Bluff site (Ironton Assets LLC) HealthEast Medical Transportation Legislative aides from Wards 6 and 7 Task Force Membership
Planning Commission resolution (Nov. 2010): Focus on commercial-industrial property, development, and the employment base Direction from Council Ward office: Focus the charge on specific, implementable, economic development action steps –A strategy document that includes a block-by-block assessment of key business needs as well as a block-by- block assessment of real estate development opportunities (including vacant building rehabilitation/re- occupancy and possible new development projects) Task Force Charge … But what is the real benefit of doing this ?
Created a list of short-term and long-term outcomes that we'd like to see achieved as a result of this process Reviewed nearby ongoing planning and development initiatives (Beacon Bluff, Hospital Linen redevelopment site on 7th St; Hamm's site activities - Everest LLC-owned and HRA-owned portions of the site) Held a meeting with E. 7 th Street Spanish-speaking/Latino business owners to discuss their ideas and priorities Analyzed an inventory of businesses (and business types) in the study area to help inform our emerging commercial corridor strategy Near East Side Task Force progress to date…
D & B business data Zip Codes and Ways to decrease commercial vacancies by targeting home- based businesses?
D & B business data Businesses grouped by type, within study area Highest number of firms – Automotive and Retail (15 each) –Important in terms of number of jobs, and high total annual sales Business Services and Healthcare and Social Assistance (10 each) Construction and Financial Services (8 each) Missing businesses from this list? –Everest portion of Hamm’s site? Mibrod Electric (contractor) *One firm also provides Healthcare/social assistance ** Includes beauty shops, laundromats, and a funeral home service, and animal adoption service Total firms in study area = 116
D & B business data Businesses grouped by type, within study area 2/3 of the area’s jobs in neighborhood are in public / nonprofit sector (Health care, nonprofit social services including employment services, and Education) Auto-related businesses represent 6% of jobs Retail, Other neighborhood services, and Restaurant/bars together represent 11% of jobs Construction and Property Management/Maintenance each represent 3% of jobs Manufacturing represents 2% of jobs. *One firm also provides Healthcare/social assistance ** Includes beauty shops, laundromats, and a funeral home service, and animal adoption service Total jobs in study area = 1,305
Reviewed and commented on existing, City-adopted land use plans and made recommendations to be carried forward Discussed initial ideas or options related to investments in public spaces - both streetscape improvements and public open spaces along East 7th St Near East Side Task Force progress to date…
Summary land use recommendations Southwest portion of study area – Mounds Blvd to Arcade “#1 priority:” Verify growth boundaries for MSU; incorporate MSU plans –Possible future redevelopment of 695 7th St E block (current Burger King site to Budget Tire site) – “public/private partnership” High-quality mixed use dvpt incl. housing on HRA-owned Hospital Linen site Ethiopian Evangelical Church bldg: An “opportunity” but determine parking The “commercial district” of E. 7th St is on 7th St between Eichenwald (Hope?) and Minnehaha (Mendota?), and on Arcade up to Minnehaha –A bank and a pharmacy = priority Façade improvements on older commercial buildings
Summary land use recommendations Middle portion of study area – Arcade to Earl Beacon Bluff parcel 2 south (the east side of Arcade and north side of Minnehaha), retain potential for office/commercial development Find a purpose and create maintenance plan for the City- owned Forest Street Triangle Park Beacon Bluff development parcel #6 –Bank and a pharmacy = top priorities Bike facilities on Forest Street (Wells to Reaney) and on Reaney (Forest to Johnson Parkway) Façade improvements on older commercial buildings
Summary land use recommendations East portion of study area – Earl to Johnson Parkway Redevelop or rehabilitate housing to provide greater stability for the area Assemble smaller redevelopment sites (on south side of 7 th St) Re-purpose Martin Lumber site - new occupant Degrees Promote mixed use: light industrial and supportive retail on/near Globe site –Incorporate commercial services at Globe redevelopment? –Possible retail amenities near Globe - a café, a coffee shop, etc. Provide an on-street bike path on Atlantic Street to connect to Phalen Boulevard
The Port Authority submitted a Met Council (LCDA) grant application for street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure funds for Beacon Bluff streets City staff submitted an application for federal Transportation Enhancements funds to support re-investment in street lighting, new street trees, minor sidewalk/streetscape enhancements, and new bike facilities in/near the study area Dayton’s Bluff Community Council submitted an application to University of MN Carlson MBA student program to support an E. 7 th St marketing effort –If accepted, January – March 2012 period –Near East Side members could provide key input to the effort Near East Side Commercial Buildings Subcommittee convened May – September 2011 to engage in a block-by-block analysis of real estate, business, and community development opportunities in the study area. Recent steps taken…
Members: Alex Bajwa, Dan Bayers, Ellen Biales, Karin DuPaul, Becca Hine, Penny Simison, Matt Wolff, and Luis Pereira Meeting dates: May – September 2011 (10 meetings) Vacancy or for sale? Business or owner intentions? Aesthetic improvements or renovations needed? Context of property? Current vs. new uses (reuse or redevelopment)? Parking available? Recommendation to the City/HRA or to other community partners? Commercial Building Subcommittee
Outline of report –Summary & Background –Six action-oriented goals Strategic actions to help achieve these goals; together constitute a real estate strategy or vision for the corridor Strategic actions also organized as implementation partnerships –Recommendations are the strategic actions Maps: 1) Summary of recommendations/strategic actions; 2) Proposed rezonings Who will carry out the work? (implementation partners) –List of implementers with roles/services identified Funds to implement? See hand-out
Commercial Building Subcommittee Strategic action categories (organized as implementation partnerships) 1.Reuse vacant/under-utilized spaces 2.Appearance enhancement recommendations (façade improvement candidates; aesthetic/site improvement candidates; housing rehabilitation outreach candidates) 3.Redevelopment opportunities (commercial-industrial business; mixed use; housing/live-work/small service-oriented commercial uses) 4.Zoning actions (Keep zoning in place to position for reinvestment; Rezone to better reflect current uses; Rezone to position for redevelopment) 5. Outreach opportunities to build community and capitalize on shared resources (Business member outreach and recruitment; Clarify/formalize/capitalize on shared usage (e.g. parking, private open space))
Commercial Building Subcommittee Strategic action categories –Definitions, Timeframe, Costs, Steps involved in implementing –Photo examples of strategic actions –Photo examples of properties in the Near East Side study area that were identified for strategic actions
Draft recommendations Summarized, by property
Draft recommendations – building reuse opportunities Proposed recommendations
Draft recommendations – appearance enhancement Proposed recommendations
Draft recommendations – redevelopment opportunities Proposed recommendations
Draft recommendations - rezonings Proposed rezonings in color
Draft recommendations - rezonings Proposed rezonings, with existing zoning
Discussion questions 1.What does re-investment look like to you? 2. What do you think about the recommendations? a.Like or Dislike, and why? b.Are there recommendations that should be changed? If so, why? c.Do you know something about a site, building, business (that maybe the subcommittee didn’t know) that should inform the strategy? d.Which of the strategic actions do you see yourself involved in and what role would you play to implement it/them? 3. How should these recommendations relate to the eventual Near East Side Task Force strategy / action plan document, ultimately to be adopted by the City (developed late 2011 / first quarter 2012) ?
Next steps for the Task Force and E. 7 th St ? Vetting the Near East Commercial Buildings Subcommittee recommendations with the broader community (now) Revisit and finalize ideas related to streetscape investments (e.g., traffic-calming improvements, etc.) in fall 2011 Possible community marketing & branding research project in early 2012 Make it Happen on East 7 th St initiative –Follow-up work with individual property owners –Create partnerships for funding applications –City and community efforts to improve the E. 7 th St streetscape
Project website: http: // Side Or… -> Planning -> Current Activities - > Near East Side Task Force and planning Contacts: Luis Pereira, City of Saint Paul, Deanna Foster, Dayton’s Bluff Community Council, Questions / comments?