Undergraduate Certificate Program Dr. Milton Silver
Outline Summary Summary Undergraduate Certificate Program Undergraduate Certificate Program Requirements Requirements What do you need to do What do you need to do
Undergraduate Certificate Program
Undergraduate Initiative In collaboration with Port and its initiatives In collaboration with Port and its initiatives A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units
Undergraduate Initiative In collaboration with Port and its initiatives In collaboration with Port and its initiatives A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units
Collaboration with the Port Drexel Drexel Academic Programs Workshops, etc DB r u e s p x i l e n a l e n s PortPort
Undergraduate Initiative In collaboration with Port and its initiatives In collaboration with Port and its initiatives A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units A “program,” that cuts across Drexel undergraduate units
Student Skill Set ContentSoft skills New Product management, Valuation and financing, a/c, intellectual property 1.Communication: written, oral (including elevator pitch) 2.Team skills and negotiations 3. Networking Capstone courses Venture formation Technology, Prototyping, DFM Practice Business plan competition
Program Features 1. Curricular Plan 2. Professional development 3. Targeted Co-op4. Customized advising 5. Business plan
The Context Students affiliated with respective units Students affiliated with respective units Co-op nature of the undergraduate Drexel experience Co-op nature of the undergraduate Drexel experience Balance flexibility with focus Balance flexibility with focus
Program Flow Freshman 2-,3-,4-Senior Seminar Content areas Capstone Business plan Social Activities Co-op to be targeted Venture formation
Linkages among Other Elements A physical location for students A physical location for students Social activities in cohort groups Social activities in cohort groups Mentoring (outsiders) Mentoring (outsiders) Co-op experience Co-op experience
Potential Job Markets Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Jobs in firms Jobs in firms Non-profit sector Non-profit sector Government sector Government sector
Tracks for Different Categories of Students Category of StudentRecommendation 1.Students interested only in knowing aboutSuggest one or more Entrepreneurship appropriate courses Entrepreneurship appropriate courses 2. Students interested only in participatingBaiada Center Workshops in Business Plan Competition in Business Plan Competition 3. Students interested only in forming companiesIntroduction to entrepreneurship Two capstone entrepreneurship courses, others as appropriate 4. Students interested in certificate programThe recommended sequence in the proposed Academic plan
A Program Skeleton First year First year A short (2 credit) course on enterprise creation Second, third and fourth years: nuts and bolts Second, third and fourth years: nuts and bolts Business courses Engineering courses: sources of technical innovation, rapid prototyping, manufacturing (?) Fifth year Fifth year Capstone courses on entrepreneurship, business plan
What you need to do
Indicate interest Indicate interest Follow specific advisors Follow specific advisors Steve Smith, COE Rob Loring, Bio-med VK, LeBow COMAD, IST are in progress Co-op and other activities Co-op and other activities
You can do it!!!!!