Leeds Sustainable Development Group Landowners’ and Developers’ Discussion 11 July 2011
Framework for Discussion 1.Introduction 2.South Leeds area 3.Opportunities not to be missed City Park & green infrastructure transport economic infrastructure residential development social infrastructure (e.g. schools) drivers of demand – critical mass 4.Key questions – next steps
Introduction January 2008 September 2008 Spring 2010 Vision 2010 Conference October 2010 November 2009 Leeds Sustainable Development Group
Sustainable Development Charter Spatial Diversity, Safety and Tolerance City of Neighbourhoods City of Short Distances Public Transport and Density Content Education, Science and Culture Industry and Jobs Nature and Environment Design Quality Process Long-Term Vision Communication and Participation Reliability, Obligation and Fairness Co-operation and Partnership
LCC South Bank Planning Statement
A significant area of South Bank is in a ‘planning vacuum’. LSDG argues for a holistic approach for the whole area – a sustainable neighbourhood for the long term. South Bank Holbeck UV AireValleyLeeds Aire Valley Leeds ActionAreaPlan Action Area Plan ? UDP City Centre
Wider Area – Issues & Opportunities
LCC South Bank focuses on the delivery of the Park misses opportunity to address wider issues commercial drivers – why go South of the River? policy should examine: highways – reducing car dependence and traffic impact economic (e.g. sustainable energy) social infrastructure (e.g. schools) access to the waterfront and flood alleviation all need to be resolved: to develop South Bank in a truly sustainable way to add value to land and property in the area A Sustainable City Centre South
Traffic Issues
Vision for Inner Ring Road
Vision for Loop Road How does this impact on sites?
Economic Infrastructure capacity for city centre developments: o office o retail highly accessible by all modes of transport pool of labour in existing rim estates potential for jobs close to home local energy generation a sustainable mixed use neighbourhood
Residential Development significant long term development capacity highly accessible by all modes of transport proximity to city centre – jobs & entertainment a sustainable mixed use neighbourhood
Schooling – Step Change Required education & knowledge economy as key drivers positive effect of good schools on house prices what comes first – school or homes? phased school development as children grow
Drivers of Demand need to mitigate climate change continuing household formation – more homes changing decision-making environment: o increased cost of energy & commodities o squeezed incomes o transport issues leading to co-location of household activities (living, jobs, schools, entertainment, etc) sustainable ‘New Town’: homes, jobs, schools, social infrastructure, etc
Critical Mass – Long Term 85 ha (210 ac) plot area 2.1million m 2 (22.6m ft 2 ) total 25,000-50,000 people 8,000-12,000 residential units 720,000 m 2 workspace Holbeck Urban Village Commercial Zone Brewery / Yorkshire Chemicals Transitional Zone Riverside
Benefits of Collaborative Working adds value creates a critical mass drives new sources of demand framework which appreciates what the market requires to deliver viable development certainty for development partners clarity for existing users and the wider community
Key Questions for Discussion 1.Do we work together to add value? 2.Is there a common vision? 3.What are our common objectives? 4.Can we identify actions? the setting up of a Partnership and/or a Neighbourhood Forum? sign-up to a Charter? deliver common infrastructure e.g. school? research to inform a business case?
Next Steps Send feedback to: Paul Ellison Yorkshire Design Group Generate a discussion: the LSDG is willing to provide a forum to co-ordinate future activity