Effectively Prioritising Key Outcomes for Tackling Poverty and Community Regeneration Thursday 25th November City Halls, Merchant City, Glasgow.


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Presentation transcript:

Effectively Prioritising Key Outcomes for Tackling Poverty and Community Regeneration Thursday 25th November City Halls, Merchant City, Glasgow

Agenda 9.15 am Registration- tea and coffee 9.30 am Welcome and introductions. Background to the SCR / IS pilot project. 9.45am Presentation 1 - Budgets: The impact for poverty and community regeneration 10.10am Presentation 2 - Prioritisation of key outcomes 10.45am Tea/coffee break 11.05am Presentation 3 - Local developments- examples from the projects work 11.25am Discussion groups and feedback 12.05pm Q&A Panel Session 12.20pm Final round up and summary 12.30pm Close

IS / SCR Pilot Project – Embedding an Outcomes Approach

National Context Single Outcome Agreements ‘ Outcomes approach’:- –Focus on results / difference made for customer / community –Evidence – based re challenges / priorities / what works, etc. –Addressing root causes, rather than symptoms. (Incl. Early intervention / prevention) –Better use of joint resources / co-ordination / integration of public services to achieve outcomes –More strategic & holistic: ‘whole system’, not elements in isolation –Continuous improvement focused Potential of outcome approach to transform public sector Fitness for purpose of existing partnerships? Capacity building issues?

SCR / IS Project Background SCR / IS collaborative 15 month pilot project. Work with five local partnerships in order to develop a series of outcomes demonstrator projects which will: –Encourage the embedding of an outcomes approach to community regeneration and tackling poverty within local areas. –Provide practical support through drawing upon best practice, developing a robust methodological approach to the issue and hands on support and advice. –Capturing and disseminating the key findings and experiences from each project.

Support on offer F-T Project Manager. Other specialist support levered in, as appropriate No single prescriptive model – scope needs of partnership Focus on practical, hands on support Intervention areas:- Dumfries and Galloway: Review “fitness for purpose” of existing poverty/ regeneration partnership. Ensure the effective contribution of the group which is clearly focused on priority outcomes. Falkirk: Review the evidence base and develop a poverty profile for Falkirk. Fife: Assist with the identification and articulation of priority Outcomes for the Sustainable Communities group. Midlothian: Review the relevant indicators and targets, to link outputs and activities to the key outcomes West Lothian: Assist with the development of a communication and engagement strategy for the Life Stages project.

Pilot project outputs Knowledge management aspects / wider learning from project Publication of series of:- –Learning Points –Issues Papers –Case Studies Dissemination via:- –Learning Network CoP –IS newsletter / website –Inputting to conferences / seminars –Other

Discussion Questions Taking all that you have heard today into account. What are the important messages / issues for you? What are the key challenges which you are facing in your own area? What specific actions and by whom now need to be taken in your area to deal with these key challenges What kind of support would you find useful? Who would be best placed to provide that support?